View Full Version : Vegas 12 new feature is driving me mad!

Chris Hewitt
January 12th, 2014, 02:06 PM
Vegas 12, which I've migrated to from 11 has this irritating new feature....a red handle appears at the end of an event and I don't know how I'm triggering it but I seem to lose video in the preview window when the timeline is paused and any fx that are enabled.
I'm just wondering what this feature is and what it's supposed to do and then I can disable it hopefully if I don't need it.
The other new thing I'm not liking is the ability that V12 has now to have half sized windows for explorer, fx transitions etc. For me, they just get in the way to how I normally work within Vegas. Can I disable this new feature too?
I'm aware there is a hidden Options dialogue you can access where this might be possible to deactivate these new features.
Thanks if you can help.

Graham Bernard
January 13th, 2014, 02:54 AM
. . . irritating new feature....a red handle appears at the end of an event . . . I'm just wondering what this feature is and what it's supposed to do and then I can disable it hopefully if I don't need it.If you click on the Event END to Pause, VP12 activates the "New! Expanded edit mode". To disable it? No idea! - If it isn't this, then we'd have to look a bit deeper into what you are experiencing. A Screen grab would be nice? As to going into the INTERNAL Prefs - it isn't revealed as a control to change.

The other new thing I'm not liking is the ability that V12 has now to have half sized windows for explorer, fx transitions etc. For me, they just get in the way to how I normally work within Vegas.I don't quite understand exactly WHAT you want to do, but since Multiple pane docking eytc, you can have the Vegas Panes/Windows in any size, in any configuration and active or not via the Toolbar >> View. It's up to the User.



ps, I like Broadstairs

Jo Ouwejan
January 13th, 2014, 05:10 AM
Maybe the OP has the Split Screen activated. Can be changed to the normal preview window, by clicking on the appropriate icon above the preview window.

Juris Lielpeteris
January 13th, 2014, 06:11 AM
The expanded edit mode is not entirely new feature, it is a combination of previously used expanding track layers, numtab editing shortcuts and new window layout.

To exit expanded edit mode and return to the previous window layout; perform any of the following actions:
Choose Edit > Select > Exit Expanded Edit Mode.
Press 5 on the numeric keypad.
Double-click the event edge.
Press Esc.

Edward Troxel
January 13th, 2014, 11:33 AM
The only way I've been able to see this is to double-click the edge of the clip. As I seldom double-click when editing, I've not seen a difference between editing in VP11 and VP12.

Chris Hewitt
January 15th, 2014, 06:27 AM
Hi guys, sorry for the delay in getting back but thanks so far for your help in this matter.
The red handle on the event is as you say and double clicking it removes it.
As for the docking windows, I do wish I could get rid of Vegas' ability to make horizontal windows, I really don't want this, just the original method of having vertival docked windows side by side so that you just clicked on the relevant tab. It's enough to make me think about reverting back to V11.

I've attached a screenshot showing the problem area.
Hope someone knows how to stop this.

Juris Lielpeteris
January 15th, 2014, 07:02 AM
You can store your favorite window layouts and recall its when needed.
Press F1 and search for Window layout:
[QUOTE]A window layout stores the sizes and positions of all windows and floating window docks in the Vegas Pro workspace. You can store any number of window layouts on your computer, and up to ten window layouts are available in the View menu (and via keyboard shortcuts) so you can quickly recall frequently used layouts. For example, you could have a layout dedicated to multitrack audio recording and another for ADR work.
Window layouts are saved in the C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Sony\Vegas Pro\12.0 folder. You can transfer layouts between computers by copying the .VegasWindowLayout files.

Edward Troxel
January 15th, 2014, 11:22 AM
Or hold down the CTRL key when moving an window and it won't dock.

Chris Hewitt
January 15th, 2014, 01:07 PM
No, that isn't the problem's having two windows, one on top of the other, which wasn't in Vegas 11 or earlier. You just had vertical window columns then, each with their own tab when docked. That's what I'm trying to get back so the windows don't sit on top of each other like they are in the screen grab I posted earlier.

Edward Troxel
January 15th, 2014, 01:14 PM
You can still do that in Vegas Pro 12. Just drag it to the upper-left corner of the window you want it to tab with.

Chris Hewitt
January 15th, 2014, 01:43 PM
Thanks Edward, I have been doing that but anytime I then open a new window, it seems to default to the new method of two windows, one on top of each other which is what I'm trying to over-ride. Just checking out the layout in Vegas 11, that wasn't possible in 11. I guess if V12 has no way of stopping this, then I'll have to go with it....just wish there was an option to turn it off.

Chris Hewitt
January 15th, 2014, 01:48 PM
I was just having a look at the Sony Vegas site Vegas Pro 12 Workflow ( and half way down, it reads "NEW! Vertical Docking Windows". That is the feature that has been introduced to V12. That is the feature I want to stop if possible.
Sorry to be a pain, guys, but it really does drive me mad. All help gratefully received.

Ron Evans
January 15th, 2014, 03:21 PM
All the windows un-dock , can be re-sized and arranged as you want. I use 2 monitors and have them arranged in different sizes over the 2 monitors. Not sure I understand your problem.

Ron Evans

Edward Troxel
January 16th, 2014, 09:54 AM
Yes, it is a new feature of Vegas Pro 12 to add flexibility in how you can arrange windows. After you get your arrangement the way you like it, you can save that layout. In fact, you can save many layouts and easily recall them at any time.

I, personally, have not had an issue with this. I tend to use the default layout and do not dock any FX/Transitions/Media Generator windows.

Graham Bernard
January 17th, 2014, 02:10 AM
Chris? Do you want the ability to have "TABs" back? Is that it?



Edward Troxel
January 17th, 2014, 09:32 AM
The thing is - you can still get tabs:

Drag one window over another window:

1. If you are to the right and approach the top, it will add them left/right
2. If you are to the bottom and approach the left side, it will add them top/bottom
3. If you move it to the upper left corner, it will tab them

It also previews the arrangement before you let go of the mouse button so you can just continue moving the mouse if you don't like how it previews. Just don't let go of the left mouse button.

Graham Bernard
January 18th, 2014, 11:02 AM
Edward, we still don't know if that's what was wanted. I was guessing - hence I made a question. And yes, if that IS what was wanted - Quoting Mr Punch: "That's the way to do it!"


Chris Hewitt
January 19th, 2014, 12:11 PM
Edward, thanks for that, it helps but doesn't stop the problem. Grazie is right, all I'm trying to do is stop two windows sitting one above the other. I want to eliminate the vertical abilities of the windows and just have the horizontal layout with tabs as it was prior to Vegas 12, each window sitting side by side with each other.
If that can't be achieved, well, it was nice of everyone to pitch in and I will just have to make do. Seems strange that we don't appear to have the choice to turn this new feature off.

Rainer Listing
January 19th, 2014, 06:13 PM
Chris, sorry to come in late but I've been following this and suspect that we still don't have any idea what you are talking about. As far as I can see Vegas 12 didn't take anything away from 11 in regard to layout. To me it seems totally flexible - you can have as many windows as you want, docked vertically, horizontally, undocked, tabbed, any which way, it's just up to you, and you can save the layouts. Like Edward suggests, grab the little dots at top left in each window and drag them around.

Kevin Janisch
January 22nd, 2014, 01:36 PM
Save layouts maybe?