View Full Version : Zoom foam Plus Rat

Craig Chartier
January 8th, 2014, 05:10 PM
Ok , so I have always thought that (any) foam cover for a mic was the first way to control normal wind issues while handling or using a mic. THEN you added a dead cat or additional cover ( like over a zep )
when you required more protection from stronger wind gusts.

A ZOOM rep is saying that the dead Rat that they sell as part of the accessory pack can be used in place of the foam ball cover that comes with the recorder. To me it seems that the furry Rat needs the foam cover to keep the cloth from the inside of the Rat from rubbing against the mic heads. This all started because I want to replace the foam ball that I lost, ( at around $14) from most online stores. and they are saying that its not needed to use the fuzzy cover.


thank you

Jay Massengill
January 9th, 2014, 10:04 AM
Anything will make noise if it can move around, so it should be snug or secured with a hair tie that has no exposed rubber or metal.
You can probably get a generic large foam screen, like for a large diaphragm mic, for less than $14 to replace your lost one.
The Zoom furry is probably sized to fit snug without the foam, but I've never used one.

John Willett
January 12th, 2014, 11:51 AM
Ok , so I have always thought that (any) foam cover for a mic was the first way to control normal wind issues while handling or using a mic. THEN you added a dead cat or additional cover ( like over a zep )
when you required more protection from stronger wind gusts.

A ZOOM rep is saying that the dead Rat that they sell as part of the accessory pack can be used in place of the foam ball cover that comes with the recorder. To me it seems that the furry Rat needs the foam cover to keep the cloth from the inside of the Rat from rubbing against the mic heads. This all started because I want to replace the foam ball that I lost, ( at around $14) from most online stores. and they are saying that its not needed to use the fuzzy cover.


thank you

Wind protection comes from the volume of still air that you trap round a microphone.

So - A hairy cover on its own is not much good.

Foam on it's own is OK - foam with a hairy cover is better.

A basket windshield is even better and adding a hairy cover to a basket is the best.

But - do *NOT* put a foam windshield inside a basket windshield as this makes it worse (as it then *reduces* the volume of trapped air).

Tim Lewis
January 12th, 2014, 09:08 PM
Great advice and explanation John!