View Full Version : O'Connor Loan Program
James Kuhn January 8th, 2014, 12:12 PM Greetings to all;
There was some discussion recently regarding the various loan programs offered by the fine folks at the VITEC Group.
Mr. Steve Turner and Mara-Lynne Brenner, both of VITEC/O'Connor, have a 'loan program' available for O'Connor tripods and fluid heads. All that is required is your signature on the 'loan agreement'. Be advised, your signature will obligate you to be responsible for an $8K system. So be careful!
I have worked with Ms. Mara-Lynne Brenner in the past. Top-notch Customer Service!
All 'loans' are dependent upon availability.
Prior to the end of the year, I'd made arrangements with Ms. Brenner for a 'loaner' O'Connor 1030D tripod system and was eagerly awaiting it's delivery.
As luck would have it, a friend who recently purchased a brand new 1030D offered me the opportunity to get hands-on for an entire weekend! I jumped at the chance! Of course, I had to promise my buddy I wouldn't break his new baby. I'm not sure I would have been so generous. : )
This is not a 'review'. Others are much better at reviewing tripods. Right Chris?
Bottom-line? I love the O'Connor 1030D and will purchase one in the first quarter of '2014.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
Chris Soucy January 8th, 2014, 04:18 PM Great info James, though it raises a couple of questions.
Can you (or Steve or Mara-Lynne) clarify where Mara-Lynne fits into the puzzle?
Does she work with/ for Steve in the UK head office for loan inquiries world wide, or is she the North America link?
If she's the NA link, is she the point of first contact for NA inquiries or should all world wide inquiries go to Steve ( ) in the first instance?
Does work as a mail address?
Am I just being a trifle dim?
Been giving the idea of a "warts and all" hands on with a 1030D some serious thought, I think it would be very popular in the Review section.
When I've got my brand new bionic knee (very expensive Christmas present) to do more than give me a hard time (starting to wonder if they put it in backwards!) I'll have to see about getting my hands on one.
James Kuhn January 9th, 2014, 01:20 PM Hi, Chris! Happy New Year, Mate!!
Mara-Lynne Brenner is located in North America, although, I don't know if VITEC uses it as a central shipping point for the 'loaner program'? Mr.Turner would need to 'chime-in'.
Steve Turner is physically located in the U.K., so I'd ask for his guidance on the matter.
In my particular case, the conversation started with Steve Turner and was then forwarded to Mara-Lynne Brenner to execute.
I'd love for you to do a full, in-depth review of the new O'Connor 1030D, there's very little in the way of critical analysis of the design. Lot's of anecdotal information, which is beneficial in it's own right.
Best regards,
Garrett Low January 9th, 2014, 02:09 PM Chris, don't do it. Once you go O'Connor you never want to go back. I can't afford (or really justify) the price of admission but I have had the chance to work with a number of them on a number of projects. I love the feel of the O'Connors. I've got a Sachtler system now which does a fantastic job and I've used Vinten systems before too. Both are great but the O'Connor heads, IMO, are in a class of their own.
If you test one you may find it hard to send back.
Chris Soucy January 10th, 2014, 12:36 AM Er, Garrett,
what, in the name of God, makes you think they'd ever get the thing back?
Between "administrative error" and good 'ol "whoops accounting" I'm pretty sure it will simply disappear into the CS "Museum of Camera Support Greats", for which I am desperately in search of a largish exhibition space here in Dunedin.
(might even be able to earn a few crumbs hiring such a workhorse out to the occasional pro's that stalk the South Island, you never know, could do wonders for their sales if one was available here in Dunedin for instant testing ).
[Er, those of a Vitec persuasion reading this, just joking, er, really! sort of]
I fully agree with you (especially about the "Happy New Year, Mate",) returned to you and yours, in spades.
Really starting to get the "full Monty" review between the teeth, gonna be massive if I can but pull it off (steady!).
Nope, I haven't been able to find a full, warts and all, down to the last screw, review of the 1030 or in fact any of their heads, probably because they're simply regarded at their level, like pro mics and everything else, they come out of the box and just plain work.
Nothing "just plain works", if you don't know them, there will always be pitfalls and problems for the unwary, they (potential problems) need to be highlighted and noted.
Man, do I want to give one of these things a run for its money. My biggest question is: Do I insist on a O'Conner set of sticks (rather not) or go with my Vinten FiberTechs?
Nah, I'll go with the Fiber's, they're 100 mm and as tough as old boots, they'll do for anything I can throw at the test.
If anyone in NZ wants to join the fun with something the Fibers can't handle (it'd have to be an IMAX as the Fibers can easily take 100 lb), feel free to put your hand up, the more the merrier.
Things is looking up!
Steven Turner January 10th, 2014, 08:53 AM Hi,
Few points for clarification. Mara-Lynne deals with Loan and Demo for US and Siobhann for Europe and ROW.
However if you get in touch with me I can point you in right direction.
And regarding the Vinten Fibretec Tipod...awesome (I was on the development team and have my own personal prototype unit.) Such as shame it cost the earth to make!
Lucky you bagged one before they stopped it.
The 1030D really is a magnificent head, and genuinely (as Garrett and James have pointed out...thanks for the kind words) most people who get their hands on one either buy it, or, wish they could justify buying it within their budget.
James Kuhn January 10th, 2014, 02:06 PM Thanks, Steve! I know folks will appreciate the infomation.
Best regards,