Luc De Wandel
January 7th, 2014, 11:28 AM
Could anybody with a NEXEA50 check if the viewfinder assembly can be moved sideways in order to permit a left-eyed cameraman to position his left eye in font of the ocular of the viewfinder tube, while the cam is on his righthand shoulder?
Ray Lee
January 7th, 2014, 01:52 PM
No it won't swing far enough to angle for the left eye....The LCD folds all the way flat to the camera but can only be opened so its facing straight back.
Steven Digges
January 7th, 2014, 04:49 PM
I am a left handed EA50 owner. The fact that the viewfinder is not adjustable does take away some of the ergonomics of the design for us south paws. I can use it, but not as comfortably as a righty.
Also, I had to get a right angle adapter for the headphone jack because its location made it stick in my face. No big deal but necessary. works for us, but they could have made it much better without a lot of effort.
Chris Quevedo
January 13th, 2014, 04:00 AM
Could anybody with a NEXEA50 check if the viewfinder assembly can be moved sideways in order to permit a left-eyed cameraman to position his left eye in font of the ocular of the viewfinder tube, while the cam is on his righthand shoulder?
hey, so I have a question. If you did this, how would you see forward? wouldn't the viewfinder cover both eyes then?