View Full Version : Beautifully done golf skateboard caddy video

Warren Kawamoto
January 2nd, 2014, 10:46 AM
Looks like this was done in Australia. Could have been color graded better for consistency, and flying over people made me cringe.
Golf Skate Caddy Official Video 2013 Web Version - YouTube

They totally botched the song's pronunciation with "A hui hou kakou" (until we meet again) at the end

Chuck Spaulding
January 5th, 2014, 12:51 PM
Great use of aerial.

Looks like a fun product but the video could have been shorter.

I didn't know that had kangaroos in Hawaii?

Warren Kawamoto
January 5th, 2014, 05:56 PM
I didn't shoot it. The video was sent to me, I reposted it after determining it was probably shot in Australia and not in the U.S. Here's another beautiful one that was sent to me, shot in Hawaii. I hope he's just doing it for fun...
Pipeline Winter 2013 on Vimeo

Chuck Spaulding
January 5th, 2014, 09:19 PM
That was amazing. !54K views in four days, that's pretty impressive.

Why do you hope he's doing this for fun?