View Full Version : "EOS Digital Solution Disk" - what's worth installing?

Ervin Farkas
December 30th, 2013, 11:36 PM
My Canon 6D came with a software disk called "EOS Digital Solution Disk". It contains the following six utilities:

- Digital Photo Professional
- ImageBrowser EX
- EOS Utility
- PhotoStitch
- Picture Style Editor
- EOS Sample Music

I looked at the Canon web tutorials and got a general idea about what they do. As far as DPP, I decided not to install it and go with LightRoom instead, since - according to many articles I found - it has better tools, and I am already using PhotoShop, so it makes more sense.

What did you consider worth installing out of the other utilities?

What's good and what's not... and why?


Charles W. Hull
December 31st, 2013, 12:05 AM
Historically I've loaded the Solution Disk whenever I get a new Canon camera, but I don't tend to use these programs anymore. Lightroom has evolved to be a fantastic application and that is all I use for stills; or maybe photoshop in rare cases. Image Browser is really a poor substitute. DPP is interesting if you ever want an alternate RAW converter, but Adobe RAW is so good anymore it is never an issue. If you ever want to run your camera remotely then EOS Utility does this. For stills and video I just read the files with a card reader and copy them to a local folder and edit from there - no need to use the EOS Utility.

Donald McPherson
December 31st, 2013, 05:23 AM
EOS Utility is needed to load different picture profiles.

Rob Cantwell
January 1st, 2014, 11:57 AM
I have the EOS Utility installed, it does a good job of transferring your media to whatever locations you indicate, I have mine place images by 'date taken' in a specific folder.
Tethered shooting is possible
You can also use the utility for customising copyright Info and owner name etc.
Yeah i use it to load picture profiles too.
I've long ago stopped using any of the other bits as they're way too clunky and not anywhere near whats available these days, Light room is literally light years ahead of DPP.