View Full Version : Matte box
Tom Van den Berghe December 28th, 2013, 03:09 PM So I have the standaard kit lens and also the samyang 24mm and 85mm prime lenses.
I want my lens hoods to look more professional.
I saw this matte box without need for rails.
But I think I can't use it on the lenses I have?
So if this is not good what can you recommend me that fits my lenses and the nex-ea50?
Chris Harding December 28th, 2013, 07:34 PM Hi Tom
Do you really need the Matte Box?? I looked at those too and they are great value for money BUT you also will need to buy a rail system because you are using different lenses! unless you want to buy extra screw adapters from them. It will be a lot quicker to rather look for a nice hood for each of the Samyang lenses so you can change lenses without hassle.
If of course you are buying a matte box cos you have square filter sets then that one will work
Dave Allen December 29th, 2013, 02:01 AM Tom, the ProAim/CineCity (insert your India based shell company name of the month here) is junk.
The matte box I got from them was sloppier than a desert raised pig introduced to a wet mudhole. The finish was garbage too, and the parts did not fit well and the system didn't even fit my camera as they claimed.
They offered a full refund only if I sent them photos showing the incompatibility with the camera they advertised it fits, then after doing so, they said they would refund half upon proof of return shipping. When I sent them a copy, they claimed they were out of Paypal funds, then they strung me along with lies till they received it, then once they did so, they said only sent half back. I have all the email proof.
First class scammers they are.
If you are on a budget, trying finding Ted Ramasola's excellent econo matte box made from plastic food containers. It works great, looks surprisingly slick, and costs less than $10
Or you can break down and get a Lanparte, Movcam, Tilta, etc. All of these are of great quality and semi-affordable.
Tom Van den Berghe December 29th, 2013, 10:06 AM Hi Tom
Do you really need the Matte Box?? I looked at those too and they are great value for money BUT you also will need to buy a rail system because you are using different lenses! unless you want to buy extra screw adapters from them. It will be a lot quicker to rather look for a nice hood for each of the Samyang lenses so you can change lenses without hassle.
If of course you are buying a matte box cos you have square filter sets then that one will work
Chris, I don't really need a mattebox but I want nice hood for my samyang lenses. I really want a big hood for those like the one on the sony stock lens but bigger. I can't find one. My 3 lenses have a diameter between 7 and 8 cm. So if the hole in matte box is 8cm are more it's good for my lenses?
Chris Harding December 29th, 2013, 11:08 PM Hi Tom
With a matte box if you change lenses you will probably have to change the matte box to lens adapter too and then if it's a biggie, adjust it on the rails.
The expandable rubber hoods are often quite nice and big and you could always get a bigger than normal rubber hood and then use a step down ring so you only have a single fitting to change when you change lenses.
If you are looking for a physically BIG hood then maybe look at a used Canon hood they always seem to be larger than other still cameras. If you want a matte box then I would rather get one on rails that has a simple rubber section where the lens goes...that way all you need to adjust is the rail so it butts up against the matte box and then tighten the rail screws. I think it would be too fiddly to have a matte box that is self supporting due to the adapter .... Cine City do have rail systems as well which are not too bad ...just make sure that the rail has provision to mount your tripod plate underneath
Tom Van den Berghe December 30th, 2013, 11:31 AM Chris,
thx again to answer my question!
I looked at this
PROAIM MB-600 Matte Box with RS-1 Rail System (
But received email from him:
I would like to inform you that with 24mm lens, MB-600 Matte box is not compatible.. With MB-600 Matte box, you will face the problem of vignetting..
my lenses are 67 (stoccklens) ,72 and 77mm. Will there be vignetting?
ALso looked at this one from kamerar:
MAX-1 Matte Box with Donut – Kamerar (
Steven Digges December 30th, 2013, 04:26 PM +1 Dave.
Tom said in another post he is "tying to pimp out his EA50". I don't think functionality is his biggest concern. Tom?
You could always hang some fuzzy dice from your new matte box!
Chris Quevedo December 30th, 2013, 04:41 PM So I have the standaard kit lens and also the samyang 24mm and 85mm prime lenses.
I want my lens hoods to look more professional.
I saw this matte box without need for rails.
But I think I can't use it on the lenses I have?
So if this is not good what can you recommend me that fits my lenses and the nex-ea50?
hey, i recommend never buying ANYTHING from thecinecity. they are a budget film equipment company in india, and they make everything with bottom dollar tools. better off flushing your $$$ down the toilet :-/
Chris Quevedo December 30th, 2013, 04:45 PM how about this? you can combine the parts and maybe it would give you a good alternative?
QB-15 Rail Kit for QV-1 View Finder – Kamerar (
MAX-1 Matte Box with Donut – Kamerar (
FF-3 Follow Focus – Kamerar (
Darren Levine December 30th, 2013, 05:39 PM cinecity= lowest possible quality
and are you completely against rails? adding low profile rails opens up the door to tons of great matte boxes
Chris Harding December 30th, 2013, 07:23 PM I figured that the EA-50 already looks pretty good and doesn't really need "pimping out" or fuzzy dice. I think the trend started with the Canon HDV 20 camera which was so tiny, guys started adding stuff to it to make it look acceptable to the customer.
Seriously Tom I don't think you need a matte box, especially because you will be changing lenses too. Surely Samyang have lens hoods for their lenses???
CineCity do produce a couple of neat things but most will need adjustment or re-engineering!! My stedicam initially came from them but required a total was still easier to rebuild the unit than start from scratch!!
OK, I'm off to look for a set of orange dice with black polka dots for my camera!
Don Bloom December 30th, 2013, 10:54 PM Chris,
Please post a picture or 2 of those dice hangin' off your camera. I would like to include it in my new book. ;-)
Chris Harding December 31st, 2013, 12:53 AM Hey Don
These ones OK?? I can take them off my windshield mirror and dangle them seductively over the lens hood. Way neater than a matte box too!!
Tom Van den Berghe December 31st, 2013, 10:22 AM how about this? you can combine the parts and maybe it would give you a good alternative?
QB-15 Rail Kit for QV-1 View Finder – Kamerar (
MAX-1 Matte Box with Donut – Kamerar (
FF-3 Follow Focus – Kamerar (
Chris, I looked at kamerar, looks very good price/quality. But the french flags are so big. That scares me off.
Tom Van den Berghe December 31st, 2013, 10:27 AM I figured that the EA-50 already looks pretty good and doesn't really need "pimping out" or fuzzy dice. I think the trend started with the Canon HDV 20 camera which was so tiny, guys started adding stuff to it to make it look acceptable to the customer.
Seriously Tom I don't think you need a matte box, especially because you will be changing lenses too. Surely Samyang have lens hoods for their lenses???
CineCity do produce a couple of neat things but most will need adjustment or re-engineering!! My stedicam initially came from them but required a total was still easier to rebuild the unit than start from scratch!!
OK, I'm off to look for a set of orange dice with black polka dots for my camera!
I have samyang hoods for these lenses but I want a mattebox, much cooler.
I saw a second hand one from Cavision
? Cavision Mattebox + support rod. Slechts eenmaal gebruikt. - Professionele Audio-, Tv- en Video-apparatuur - (
He's asking 150 euro (about 200 US dollar)
The hole in the mattebox is about 10cm he said me, my biggest lens is 77mm diamater (the 24mm samyang lens)
Will there be vignetting you think?
Otherwise a good deal?
Tom Van den Berghe January 2nd, 2014, 03:22 PM still in the search for a mattebox. Nobody has a mattebox on the NEX-EA50?
Chris Harding January 2nd, 2014, 06:40 PM The first review I watched from the Scottish guy on HD Warrior actually had rails and a matte box on the test camera!
HD Warrior Blog Archiv Review of the Sony NEX-EA50 camcorder (
Maybe someone can figure out which mattebox and rails are being use here ...they might say in the video as I didn't watch the whole thing again and it was a long time ago I originally watched it.
It does look quite cool !!
Matt Sharp January 2nd, 2014, 11:33 PM The first review I watched from the Scottish guy on HD Warrior actually had rails and a matte box on the test camera!
That's definitely a Genustech matte box. Looks like the DSLR or PV matte box kit.
I use the 'Genustech Matte Box Lite Kit' on my VG30 with the Samyang 24, 16, and 85.
Ray Lee January 3rd, 2014, 03:51 AM still in the search for a mattebox. Nobody has a mattebox on the NEX-EA50?
pimp shot just for you :)
Chris Harding January 3rd, 2014, 06:48 AM Nice Ray
You have me now hankering after a matte box for my cameras! The only issue there is that the rails block the shoulder pad so you can't use the camera on your shoulder ! What people make a matte with rails that don't protrude back into the shoulder pad?? Do those exist? I know on my Panasonics I had to make my own rails that stopped just short of the shoulder pad.
Who makes the one on your camera?
Tom Van den Berghe January 3rd, 2014, 11:04 AM Thank you so much Lee! Great setup. I think the kamerar mattebox in your setup?
Like Chris said: with these rails you can't use the shoulderpad from this camera.
There are rails that allows you to use the shoulderpad with the NEX-EA50. Example link below
Miller Canada (
You always shoot with tripod Lee?
Because I wanted to ask you how it was "handheld" filming with rail and mattebox? The weight,...
Ray Lee January 3rd, 2014, 01:10 PM The longer rails were there to hold a battery and wireless transmitter (not shown) while it was on the tripod (cam A for an interview) if I was going to use it on my shoulder I could have removed the rear (black) rods and kept the front (silver rods)
The matte box is from Kamerar and the only reason I bought it was because I only have one variable ND and I already own a good set of 4x4 ND filters. The matte box works well, nice and solid once its mounted but it is really big. Honestly I would really like to get the Genustech but cant justify $500-600 for a plastic box
Nice Ray
You have me now hankering after a matte box for my cameras! The only issue there is that the rails block the shoulder pad so you can't use the camera on your shoulder ! What people make a matte with rails that don't protrude back into the shoulder pad?? Do those exist? I know on my Panasonics I had to make my own rails that stopped just short of the shoulder pad.
Who makes the one on your camera?
Ray Lee January 3rd, 2014, 01:16 PM Short 15mm rods and a counter weight is all it takes
I dont use the Vocus weight I mount an Ebay cheese plate with a weight out from the shoulder pad and I am all set
Its a Kamerar matte box, fits well, nice and solid without being heavy... good stuff just really big (I will take some more photos latter to day)
Tom Van den Berghe January 3rd, 2014, 03:21 PM thanks Ray for your time! I'm looking forward to your pictures.
Doesn't block the french flag of the kamerar mattebox the microphone? Or show this in a picture please.
thx again.
Steven Digges January 3rd, 2014, 04:17 PM Guys....... I can't make the jokes I want to make because they might be taken the wrong way. I am getting a kick out of this thread. And come on Chris, you are always a voice of reason and now you jumped the fence started out saying "I don't think you need one" now it's "I am getting a hankering for a matte box"....:) ;) :) I think someone is suffering from lens envy!
Tom, all jokes aside. I am not sure you understand what you are getting into here. You may be disappointed after you spend the money. Your asking about flags blocking on camera mics and rails blocking the shoulder pad. Matte boxes are a specialty accessory that serve a good purpose. They are not something that is attached to a camera left on to be used in run & gun shoulder type coverage. You would find it very difficult to support the camera and operate the focus wheel at the same time. They are almost always used with a tripod for precision focus (assuming you get the whole set up, box, rails, focus assembly). And by the time you have gone that far with light control, filters, and follow focus it would be unlikely that someone would be using stock on camera mics. What started out here as a way for you to "pimp" out your camera and make it look cool could end up looking very amateurish to a trained eye when not used properly.
That same money could be used to purchase other things that look good and ad great functionality. Do you have a shotgun mic that is better that the stock mic? When I am working with an audio guy crowds practically part for us when they see two guys coming and one of them has a microphone on a pole. When I am not using my audio guy the Sennheiser ME66 goes on the EA50 for run & gun. The ME 66 is not an expensive mic but it is a huge improvement in sound quality over the stock mic. Throw a dead cat on it and your totally pimped out. It would then be wearing a FUR COAT!
Anyway, how things look is not my cup of tea. I am a pretty practical guy. So my 2 cents here is about....Are you spending money you will be happy with in the end? I'm not sure you will be. But.... what do I know...I am just a ........fill in your own blank ;)
Dave Allen January 3rd, 2014, 04:37 PM I think you will find the CAVision products are far better in quality than the ProAim/CineCity/Camtree crap from India.
That looks like a great price too.
Chris Harding January 3rd, 2014, 06:08 PM Hi Steve
Just having some fun really!! I sometimes get tired of being Mr Practical and like to get a bit funky but the bottom line is still really ..why do you need a matte box?? I certainly could never justify spending $500-$600 per camera on a plastic box either.
For me it would be purely to "look cool" and I don't need that although I can see the reason to pimp up a small camcorder when that's all you have and your client is expecting something large on your shoulder.
I don't have any 4x4 filters either so if I bought a matte box or two it would be purely a cosmetic exercise. Cripes for $1200 I can get some really nice lenses for the camera!!
So, Tom, do you really need a matte box? are you planning to use lots of 4x4 glass filters OR are you simply trying to make your EA-50 look more "cool" ?
Steven Digges January 3rd, 2014, 07:12 PM I know Chris, I was having fun too. $600.00 can get you a lot more than a plastic box!
It is kind of funny that Tom has Noa's EA50. Because Noa has the guts to show up and shoot the academy awards with a handycam if he had a choice! Tom, are you listening? I am not busting on you. Many of us in the EA50 sub forum are so regular here you feel like you get to know each other. I understand....each to their own. Size does matter!
Ray Lee January 3rd, 2014, 07:19 PM Photos so you can see just how large it is and with regular length 15mm rods
Chris Harding January 3rd, 2014, 10:02 PM Thanks Ray
What I do is always use my shoulder pad so what I have is an aluminium plate screwed into the 1/4" holes in the top of the pad and that ends in a "T" piece past the shoulder pad and I have two receivers mounted on the T-piece plus for better weight distribution my on-cam light sits on the cold shoe but I have my light's battery pack at the end of the pad as well.
For long shoulder mount gigs I also have a DIY rail system that extends from the cam plate to the lens hood and that has a mini ball head under the camera hood which goes to a spring rod and a waist belt which takes all the weight off the front of the camera and still keeps things light! You need a fairly substantial weight to balance the camera's front-heavy scenario so I'd rather support the front than add weight to the back.
Here is a similar system and it's really rock steady for handheld shoots!! EngRig (
Here is the post about the receiver/battery mount which both myself and Noa did ...
Don Bloom January 3rd, 2014, 10:44 PM I purchased the ENGRIG from DVTec a number of years ago when I went back to full sized cameras. I still have it but unfortunately I could never make it work with my JVC HM700 since the front foot for the mounting plate is quite different than on the JVCHD100 or the JVC GY-DV5000/5100 or the Sony DSR cameras. I think one of the manufacturers does offer a plate for it but right now I'm not to concerned about it.
Anyway the point that the rig worked 100% fantastic on all of the cameras I've used it on. They were all pretty well balanced for me with an AB battery and at least 1 receiver hanging off the back but the ENGRig really made a difference not only with the balance and the weight but the stability issue especially if using the lens at the long end was great. ALMOST (notice the emphasis on ALMOST) as good as a tripod.
Chris Harding January 4th, 2014, 12:08 AM Hi Don
I remember you telling me about it a while back. It really is a HUGE asset for me especially when your back is starting to fade towards the end of the wedding and you have to film a first dance, mom/son and father/daughter all in one hit.
I took one look at the DVTech price and swallowed hard ... especially that shipping from USA to here is crazy prices unless you want to send mail seamail which takes 3 months!! My "rails" are simply two 8" lengths of 1/2" aluminium tube and they have two pieces of 1"wide aluminium flatbar which allow the rails to attach to the camera tripod screw mount at one end and gives me a connector at the other end. In the end plate (which sits under the lens hood) I have a mini-ballhead bolted into the plate under the hood and the other end clips into a little bush (piece of scrap tube) so the spring rod can slip into it and this makes a universal joint between the spring rod and the camera rail.
CineCity (talked about here) make a camcorder rig called a Glider and this comes with a fancy rig for ones camcorder but also has a spring rod and a waist belt ! I asked them to sell me just the rod and the belt and they sold that to me for $50 plus shipping so my whole ENG rig cost me under $100 and it works like a dream. - The belt is nicely made and the rod is good too and again I give it a squirt of silicone spray so it slides smoothly.
I bet with a little aluminium frame like I have it would also work on your JVC!! I simply pop riveted the 4 bits together and it weighs almost nothing too ... if you wanted to leave it on then you also need another thicker plate almost under the camera mounting plate with a tapped 1/4" thread and voila you can mount any QR plate onto the rails.
They now actually sell just the rig and they are on eBay as chips and they work too!!!
Camtree Shoulder Rig Rod Adapter Waist Support for Camera Weight Upto 11 Lbs | eBay (
Chris Quevedo January 4th, 2014, 01:44 AM Chris, I looked at kamerar, looks very good price/quality. But the french flags are so big. That scares me off.
isn't that the point a matte box? to add big flags to the front?
Chris Quevedo January 4th, 2014, 01:51 AM still in the search for a mattebox. Nobody has a mattebox on the NEX-EA50?
i think b&h in the usa has a set in their store:
Chrosziel 450-R2 Mattebox Kit for Sony NEX-EA50 (
unfortunately very expensive. i still would go for the Kamerar model. french flags are about the same size and its cheaper but still decent quality i think
Chris Quevedo January 4th, 2014, 01:56 AM Nice Ray
You have me now hankering after a matte box for my cameras! The only issue there is that the rails block the shoulder pad so you can't use the camera on your shoulder ! What people make a matte with rails that don't protrude back into the shoulder pad?? Do those exist? I know on my Panasonics I had to make my own rails that stopped just short of the shoulder pad.
Who makes the one on your camera?
again, check out the kamerar offering at its all modular and they have a version that would not go past the tripod mount
Tom Van den Berghe January 4th, 2014, 03:00 AM Hi Steve
Just having some fun really!! I sometimes get tired of being Mr Practical and like to get a bit funky but the bottom line is still really ..why do you need a matte box?? I certainly could never justify spending $500-$600 per camera on a plastic box either.
For me it would be purely to "look cool" and I don't need that although I can see the reason to pimp up a small camcorder when that's all you have and your client is expecting something large on your shoulder.
I don't have any 4x4 filters either so if I bought a matte box or two it would be purely a cosmetic exercise. Cripes for $1200 I can get some really nice lenses for the camera!!
So, Tom, do you really need a matte box? are you planning to use lots of 4x4 glass filters OR are you simply trying to make your EA-50 look more "cool" ?
I want to look theNEX-EA0 more cool but In the future I will buy an ND filter for outside to have my shoots with more blurry backgrounds. And off course to avoid the sun coming into the lens is also a good ting with a mattebox.
So the kamerar/camtree (looks smulair) is cheap and very pro lookng for me.
Tom Van den Berghe January 4th, 2014, 03:07 AM I know Chris, I was having fun too. $600.00 can get you a lot more than a plastic box!
It is kind of funny that Tom has Noa's EA50. Because Noa has the guts to show up and shoot the academy awards with a handycam if he had a choice! Tom, are you listening? I am not busting on you. Many of us in the EA50 sub forum are so regular here you feel like you get to know each other. I understand....each to their own. Size does matter!
I have NOa's NEX-EA50. Noa does this for professional work but for me it's more hobby. The jobs I do is for free but after the job I have make a DVD or blu ray of it. With the sale of this I earn some money. So filming carnival, stage performances,... So people look at my gear and think. Looks like a "pro" so I will buy a dvd, it will be good. That's my experience.
Tom Van den Berghe January 4th, 2014, 03:10 AM Photos so you can see just how large it is and with regular length 15mm rods
I really like this setup Ray. I don't see a donut ring on your lens? Or is this not really necessary if you put lens close or in the mattebox?
Which rails rod is this Ray? Like the red color in it like the red in the mattebox.
Ray Lee January 4th, 2014, 11:11 AM I either use the "skirt" version that came with it or just the 72mm rubber hoods I have on all the old prime Nikon lenses I use on the video cameras
Tom Van den Berghe January 22nd, 2014, 02:56 PM I received my mattebox this weekend. I bought the camtree (simulair to Camerar I think) with free shipping all over the world!
I really like the look of it. I didn't attached the 3 flags. Maybe on a sunny day.
Steven Digges January 22nd, 2014, 03:38 PM Good for you Tom. That is what you set out to do and you did it. I hope it works out for you. Funny how different we all are. Noa sold that cam to you because he does not like the size of a semi-shoulder cam. To big for his taste. You are purposely turning it into a behemoth to suit your taste. A couple of wireless mics, a 10" monitor on the cold shoe, and you will be all set....don't forget the fuzzy dice!
Paul Abbaszadeh January 22nd, 2014, 05:06 PM I have the Kamerar mattebox, it's not bad for the's made of plastic but it's pretty solid (the flags are aluminum)
Chris Harding January 22nd, 2014, 07:00 PM Nice Tom
Is that the "CamShade" model by Camtree that you have that Camerakings sell for GBP 125 ??? It looks pretty darn good too.
There is no mistaking your camera for a pro camera now and I like the fact that the rails are short so it doesn't interfere with the shoulder mount pad! Is that the Camtree Quick release rail you have? I think they are 300mm long so they should be just the right length and also have both camera plates and tripod plates. I had a look at CineCity and they have the CamShade for $130 and the Mini rail for $110 !! (That's without shipping of course) but still a good price for a very neat system. I think I might be tempted to get one for each of my cameras so I can also have two behemoths ..they look pretty cool I must admit!!!
Just for interest Camtree also make the ENG rig and belt that takes all the weight off the front of the camera for you and it fits your rail system perfectly too... if you are doing handhelds it's really worth getting!
Tom Van den Berghe January 23rd, 2014, 01:15 PM I have the Kamerar mattebox, it's not bad for the's made of plastic but it's pretty solid (the flags are aluminum)
the camtree flags are the same. Also alumium, at least not made of plastic.
Tom Van den Berghe January 23rd, 2014, 01:27 PM Hey Chris,
Yes, the camshade mattebox for GBP 125. Pretty cheap and good quality to me.
And the camtree hunt mini quick release rod support, also from the same shop but this was not listed on their website! But they had it but still not published on theit website.
The camtree eng rig looks nice but I only need the shoulderpad and counterweight.
Like you see in the picture I have a counterweight from 1,2 kg. Handheld made by a person specialised in making all things of metal (don't know the wright word for this)
With his "saw" he cut a piece from a metal round bar. IS this good he asked? I said just perfect. He painted it black with special black metal spray. He tapped a new screw (M6) into the shoulder pad of the sony.
Maybe I go back for a heavier one (or an extra one, there are 2 holes in the shoulder pad). At that time I didn't had the mattebox. Now there is more weight in the front. Hope this helps
Chris Harding January 23rd, 2014, 07:04 PM Thanks Tom
They look good value for money in my opinion. Ah! so you are using a counterbalance on the back. I have my light battery pack and my radio mics on a little strip of aluminium that screws to the top of the shoulder pad 1/4" threads. Something you might like to think about if you need more weight, is to simply make up a simple aluminium bar and move the weight further back which will make the fulcrum point change and the front will be even lighter.
The reason I don't really use a weight is that I'm using different lenses so the front weight changes quite often, however it might be an idea to partially transfer some weight backwards so even though the camera is not technically balanced it will still be lighter up front. I still need to decide if I need a heavier camera on my shoulder or a more supported but lighter one ??? Is an extra 1 - 2kg on the entire rig going to kill you shoulder at the end of an 8 hour wedding ???
Tom Van den Berghe January 24th, 2014, 03:03 PM CHris,
I"m also using different lenses. Mostly the samyang lens or the stocklens. But without a counterweight this is not possible. The frontweight is too much.
With a bigger camcorder like my setup now people really think I'm from television. Sometimes someone ask if I want to film for them.(a stage event, music clip,)
Chris Harding January 24th, 2014, 08:56 PM Hi Tom
Actually I would have killed for a matte box yesterday at my wedding shoot ...we had sun coming in from angles we couldn't avoid and some flags definitely would have helped a LOT!!
If you make a bracket/camp arrangement behind your camera so the weight can slide back and forth, you can then have it so it can be closer to the pad when the lighter lens is being used and then slide it further back when a heavier lens (like the stock lens) is on the camera.
Dave Allen March 15th, 2014, 01:29 AM I had a ProAim (insert your India based shell company name here) matte box. It was total junk and didn't even fit my camera as advertised. The company offered a full refund saying half will be paypal'd back upon poof of return shipment, balancing upon receipt. They asked first for good photos showing the problems, as if they didn't know!
After I provided photos, then provided proof of return shipmen, they came up with every excuse in the book about how they didn't have any paypal funds, they were broke, wah-wah-wah. Then when they received their ProAim (insert your india based shell company name here) garbage back, they refused to issue a full refund, only sending half.
The matte box itself was way out of tolerance, the rails were heavily shot-peened to hide all the surface mishandling, the matte box pivot was sloppy beyond all belief and the matte box would not slide on the rails as the rails and blocks were out of alignment.
Total scammers and junk products, you've been warned.
Chris Harding March 15th, 2014, 03:28 AM Hi Dave
ProAim was an older brand and tolerances were not very good as was workmanship. Obviously the Cam Tree brands are made elsewhere and quality isn't bad at all. You get what you pay for and a $500 matt box is going to be a lot better than a $130 one. I have had no issues with fitting and robustness with the camtree products.
The base company that markets the gear is Cine City and they have various offshoots on eBay with different names and logos. About 5 years ago I bought a Flycam from them and the tolerances were really bad and I sold it ..however they did get better and my current sled came from them required me to replace all bearings with decent ones and do some engineering mods BUT that still cost me way less than a genuine unit from the USA that would have been 5 times the price. They make pretty good basic stuff but most will need your own skills in DIY mods.