View Full Version : Tascam DR-40 comments, especially re: limiter

Greg Miller
December 28th, 2013, 12:11 AM
I'm pondering the purchase of a DR-40. I would appreciate comments from anybody who has used one.

I am especially interested in how -- and how well -- the limiter functions. I know some handheld recorders have a type of digital limiter that switches in and out abruptly. The result, if there is a significant LF component, is a clicking sound added to the recording. This seems to be because the limiter function is [instantly] switched on as the input level goes above the threshold; and then is [instantly] switched off as the level goes below that threshold.

Being a somewhat higher end machine, I'm hoping the DR-40 has an analog limiter that operates smoothly, or, at the very least, does not generate the "clicking" problem described above.

If you've used a DR-40, please share your observations about the limiter, or about any other aspect of the recorder.

Thanks in advance!

Les Wilson
December 28th, 2013, 05:47 AM
I can't speak to the limiter issue. If it helps, I've used a DR-30. I like the device. Most of all, I like the ability to record a second stereo file at a fixed lower volume as a safety. I find most of these devices have awful menu interfaces with esoteric features too prominent and more frequently needed ones burried in some "proper functional hierarchy." My impression is that save for a few features like Format, the TASCAM UI is above average.

Greg Miller
December 28th, 2013, 08:48 AM
If it helps, I've used a DR-30.
I'm a bit puzzled by that. I've never heard of a DR-30, and a web search doesn't find any such model. There is a [much smaller] DR-03, but it can not record a lower level safety pair of tracks.

Donald McPherson
December 28th, 2013, 02:38 PM
Here's a good review for the DR40 it also has dual record which will help you out.
Tascam DR-40 Feature Review - YouTube

Les Wilson
December 28th, 2013, 02:43 PM
DOH! I used a DR-40. Guy Cochran did a review of it that convinced me ....

Tascam DR-40 4 Channel Digital Audio Recorder Audio (

Rick Reineke
January 5th, 2014, 06:17 PM
Never heard of a DR-30 either.
I believe the DR-40's limiter is digital, but I can't comment on how it sounds, as it is not available in line level mode and that's all I have used. I think the mic pre is bypassed in line mode, because the gain adjust structure is totally different.. only offers 6dB of plus/minus level adj. I can't find a schematic to confirm the line circuit path though. Line level mode sounds very good with a high quality front end.