John Beattie
December 27th, 2013, 04:18 PM
Anyone know how a
Fujinon 20x 8-172mm f/1.8 Normal/Super Telephoto Zoom Lens will work on a gh3? I need a good telephoto lens to shoot surfing and I found this lens for sale very cheap.
The lens was used for 4:3 aspect tv cameras.
Bill Bruner
December 28th, 2013, 08:48 AM
Hi John - if you're looking at this on eBay, yes, it will work without vignetting as long as your camera is set to ETC (as the description says).
You would need an expensive 2X extender to use it without switching to ETC.
He also sells lenses with extenders included that you can use with or without ETC.
Hope this is helpful and Happy New Year!
Hybrid Camera Revolution (
Kevin McRoberts
December 28th, 2013, 09:00 AM
Assuming the surfing happens outside in daylight, you might consider this:
Adorama (
Excellent zoom range, no need to use ETC (or you can for ridiculous close ups), good image quality. Use with a Nikon SpeedBooster if you want a little less length but more light.
Alternately there's the Lumix 100-300; excellent auto glass for GH cameras, OIS can be a lifesaver.
Leon Kolenda
January 2nd, 2014, 02:33 PM
What is ETC? Is it on a GH3?
Kevin McRoberts
January 3rd, 2014, 09:09 AM
Extended Tele-Conversion... it's the center crop mode, provides ~2.6x teleconversion on the GH2 with no light loss but some noise increase. GH3 has it as well, don't know the multiplier offhand.