View Full Version : The Pineville Heist. - Movie.

Bob Hart
December 23rd, 2013, 10:03 AM
I'm not sure if this is frowned upon so if it contravenes policy, I will not be all overwrought if the post is culled.

Lee Chambers, a Canadian academic and film director has been out here to Australia a few times assisting in school media programmes and a local feature earlier this year. Lee's own project "The Pineville Heist" has been published both as an e-book also hardcopy novel.

He has recently followed the trend and listed TPH on the Indie gogo fundraising site. The novel and the film to my mind have a "Stand By Me" sensibility about them but with the characters playing for higher stakes.

Here is the web address to the fundraiser site and the trailers. The original trailer I understand was created in Canada.

The follow-up trailer/test scene was shot here in Perth, Western Australia with Lee directing his crew and actors live via Skype from Thunder Bay Canada, possibly a first for Skype.

I have previously used Skype in screen-share very effectively as a co-writing tool. I am looking forward to seeing this one when it is released.

The Pineville Heist | Indiegogo (