View Full Version : Is this the worst commercially produced video ever?
Colin McDonald December 20th, 2013, 01:08 PM Borders Railway a year down the line - Video - Midlothian Advertiser (
(You may have to wait for a Marks & Sparks advert to play first.)
Apparently filmed during a series of earthquakes by a cameraman suffering from St. Vitus' Dance and with the direst of audio, it comes complete with typos in the titles.
James Manford December 20th, 2013, 01:19 PM That has to be a joke? or surely it was done by an employee filming another employee?
Robert Benda December 20th, 2013, 01:27 PM I assume they filmed it with someone's smartphone.
David Heath December 20th, 2013, 01:37 PM That has to be a joke? or surely it was done by an employee filming another employee?
It seems to be a video on a local newspapers website. I can only assume a print journalist was invited along by the construction company to do a story for the paper and the papers editor told them "oh! do a bit of video for the website whilst you're there".
There are times when nothing is better than something........
Why not comment directly to the paper, Colin?
Colin McDonald December 20th, 2013, 02:00 PM Not sure the website is firing on all cylinders either:
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David Heath December 20th, 2013, 02:13 PM :-) Sometimes - there's a lot to be said for a good old-fashioned letter......
Rob Cantwell December 21st, 2013, 10:34 AM its hilarious, all they needed was a fella like the Nelson Mandela memorial signer and it would have been a right howler!
Derek Heeps December 22nd, 2013, 05:37 AM It is pretty bad , but surely the work of an amateur with no clue or skills rather than a 'commercial' production !
The project is an interesting story , so I hope it is being documented by someone competent .
Colin McDonald December 22nd, 2013, 10:48 AM Maybe we should get together Derek and make them an offer. :-)
I bet NetWork Rail aren't too impressed as they provided someone to be interviewed in various locations.
This may be a local paper but have a look at the size of the parent organisation:
We are a multimedia company with around 4,350 employees in 160 locations around the UK, the Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland.
We publish 13 daily newspapers, 154 paid-for weekly newspapers and 37 free weeklies as well as a stable of glossy monthly lifestyle magazines. Many of our titles produce their own supplements and magazines in both print and digital format.
and you're telling me all they can afford to produce videos for their website is an amateur with a cellphone?
One day to film and one to edit should be more than enough. What should we offer to do that?
I'm sure we have all the gear we need. (Rain covers included).
EDIT: Here's one of their previous videos: Transport minister on Borders Railway project - Midlothian Advertiser (
No cellphone here (although the audio is iffy and the transitions cheesy).
Colin McDonald January 14th, 2014, 05:03 PM By contrast, I recently discovered some interesting and professionally executed videos on the progress of the Borders Railway presented by Paul Brownlee of Radio Borders and produced by Stuart Cameron of Hotdisc Studios, Selkirk.
Borders Railway - From Start To Finish: episode 1 (October 2013)
Borders Railway - From Start To Finish: episode 2 (November 2013)
Borders Railway - From Start To Finish: episode 3
Borders Railway - From Start To Finish: episode 4 (January 2014)[/QUOTE]
Derek Heeps January 14th, 2014, 07:25 PM Hi Colin , I had been away for the holidays after my last post here and hadn't seen your last message .
I'm glad someone has taken the trouble to do some research and produce a decent video telling the whole story ; I've only watched episode 1 just now but it looks well made with some nice archive footage , decent interviews and a presenter to hold the story together .
Yes , if you ever need a hand with anything locally , I'd be happy to help any way I can .