View Full Version : Confusing advice

Charles Newcomb
December 12th, 2013, 03:56 PM
I've been leaning on the fence for some time now about Mavericks. There are some negative (and quite scary) comments here and on other forums, but for the most part the silent majority (and FCPX users) seem to be on the side of the new IOS.

That is, until you got to the App store and look at the comments there, which, when you read from "latest first" are overwhelmingly negative, so much so they plead with Mac users not to install it and get themselves caught up the quagmire.

There are so many negative comments I have nightmares about Apple installing it without my permission.

I came to Apple some years ago because "It just works." I'd like things to stay that way.

Tim Lewis
December 12th, 2013, 06:14 PM
I upgraded to Mavericks on the first day. I have had no issues with it. I do not use FCPX, but it has not affected any of my other programs.

The new version of iMovie that comes with the new OSX is based on the trackless model of FCPX and is proving a good training ground for me for the move to FCPX. I have downloaded the trial, but I am waiting for a project to justify the $299.

William Hohauser
December 12th, 2013, 11:39 PM
No problems with mavericks here either. There are a few operating system changes but nothing more than the usual changes we get with a system upgrade. Some may be annoying to you. The Apple "office" apps have some moderately major changes that some people have taken issue with but I didn't mind them. FCPX isn't changed by the new system. Back-up, upgrade, go back if you don't like it.

Charles Newcomb
December 13th, 2013, 02:14 AM
Sound advice, and from names I've come to trust on this forum. Thanks.

It's just the stuff on Apples'S FP+CPX forum and others aren't as positive. U don't want to get into thrashing preferences or reloading OS or Apps. I want it to just work, like it always has.

Soon I'll be adding another iMac to the edit bay and I know it will come loaded with Mavericks. I won't be putting this one in the backup spot for awhile.

Why are theer so many negative reviews in the App store?

William Hohauser
December 13th, 2013, 06:51 AM
Why? Many reasons: some very legit due to strange programming design changes, we know Apple and other programmers are capable of this. People are upset with Apple's odd quest to replace "Save As" from the the file menu with "Duplicate". Some complaints are personal inertia, there are people who get comfortable and don't want to ever see changes. However I suspect many complaints are your regular garden variety internet drama queen behavior.