View Full Version : 6th Annual Charity Challenge Theme - Go! Go! GO!!

Lorinda Norton
December 12th, 2013, 11:37 AM
What an inspiration you all are! In one of the busiest times of year you have signed up to work magic with your ideas, cameras and editing skills to delight and inspire us—all the while helping raise money for some lucky charity of the winner’s choosing.

Here are the nuts and bolts: Check out the rules for either the DVC or UWOL. They are essentially the same; pay particular attention to the rules regarding copyrighted music and the use of previously shot footage. The time limit will be FOUR minutes, with an extra 20 seconds allowed for credits if absolutely necessary. UWOLers may post to their personal YouTube or Vimeo pages as well as to the UWOL Vimeo page.

Remember, you don’t have to donate to the charity pool in order to compete. For those of you who aren't planning to enter but would like to join the fun, you don’t have to be signed up to donate! And anyone who donates and/or submits an entry automatically becomes a judge!

Donations may be sent to via PayPal. Dylan Couper oversees the donations and will update the pool off and on during the course of the challenge. Our charity challenge founder has been doing this for 5 years now without a hitch. Thank you, Dylan! It was you who first inspired so many of us to jump into filmmaking by creating the DV Challenge back in 2005. And thank you, Meryem Ersoz for creating the UWOL Challenge several years back to inspire wildlife videographers! We can't leave out a special thanks to our beloved Obstreperous Rex (oftentimes known as Chris Hurd) the founder of DV Info Net, for making all of this possible. Talk about inspirational!!

So here we are in 2013 for another friendly face-off between the DVC and UWOL, all for a great cause. Ready for the theme? Hints were sprinkled throughout this long spiel, so here we go:

The theme is: INSPIRED.

You now have until 11:59 p.m. PST on Jan. 12, 2014 to submit your entry. As Dylan would say, Go, Go, GO!!!

Dylan Couper
December 12th, 2013, 11:58 AM
I'm shooting Saturday morning one way or another!

Trond Saetre
December 12th, 2013, 01:07 PM
Let the inspirational FUN begin!
Cool theme.

Tim Lewis
December 12th, 2013, 06:22 PM
Tough one Lorinda! I am going to spend 26 days looking for inspiration, one day shooting and one day editing!

Dick Mays
December 14th, 2013, 12:37 PM
Trying to get started, but need some kind of inspiration...