View Full Version : mount for handheld mike

Paul Mailath
December 9th, 2013, 11:36 PM
I've been having a problem with a few celebrants who resist or refuse to allow me to take a line out of their PA - seems they'd been told on the forums that it can 'blow up their system"

I know, I know - but If they stick to their guns there's no much I can do,

What I've come up with is a small mount that attaches to a handheld mike and holds a digital recorder (or wireless transmitter) - I couldn't find anything similar so I designed it and had it made on shapeways (great site)

If you think it might be of use to you, here it is:

Chris Harding
December 10th, 2013, 12:14 AM
Hi Paul

My problem is mainly the one where celebrants have no idea how to speak into a handheld ..they are either way too far away OR they eat it like an ice-cream cone! The variations in levels are huge!!

I still love it to bits when the celebrant says "I don't use a mic" ...I then either pick up from the groom's mic or stick my own lav on the celebrant ..pinned on his/her jacket at least assures a constant distance.

The other issue, of course is when the PA is so loud that it over-rides even the groom's mic so you get that echoey audio and there is not much you can do cos the audio from the PA speaker is directed directly at the celebrant and even with a lav it records both his voice and the PA audio but the PA audio is often the louder of the two so that dominates!

It's still a nice idea! I used to tape a lav/transmitter onto the handheld mic for speeches but now what I do is place a desktop mic on the table or lectern and feed that to a transmitter and that really works well and of course has a constant distance.
