View Full Version : Heads Up On Cheap Zoom H1 UK Buyers
Peter Riding December 6th, 2013, 06:12 AM Just found the Zoom H1 available for just £59 (plus shipping £4.99) from GAK.
Zoom H1 White (
Its the white version - great for an unobtrusive presence on white table cloths etc.
I've been using three of the black ones for a couple of years or so and have no hesitation in recommending these great little recorders.
Yes there are smaller recorders out there. But the H1 does fit into a trouser pocket with ease. And the levels are fully adjustable from zero to 100 rather than in steps, auto-levels works well, and it has a proper 1/4"x20 socket on the back to easily attach it to friction arms etc. The In for lavs is on one side rather than on the back like its H4n brother, which makes it an easier fit into pockets. It does of course do 16/48 and higher.
Nigel Barker December 6th, 2013, 06:25 AM Yes there are smaller recorders out there. But the H1 does fit into a trouser pocket with ease.
Is that a Zoom H1 in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
They are OK for pockets in a jacket but personally I think they are too bulky for a trouser pocket. For trouser pockets I use my Yamaha C24s (sadly now discontinued & replaced with a larger model).
A good find though. I have never seen them in white before.
Peter Riding December 6th, 2013, 07:33 AM I've never had a problem with them going into trousers. No-one has mentioned any discomfort etc. Invariably the grooms wear jackets anyway so anything in their pockets is not visible.
I did investigate the C24's at the time but they only seemed marginally smaller and they didn't have the screw socket on the back like the H1's and you had to use their own bracket. I liked the idea of taping them to mics in an emergency - the H1 is too big for that for sure. I think several users also reported random failures to record but that may be just a few units, as with some of the early H1's having faulty battery management.
The white ones have been on Ebay for ages as "B" stock and at a higher price than GAD:
*B-Stock* Zoom H1 Handy Recorder *White* | eBay (
That is a decent supplier.
Jeff Harper December 6th, 2013, 09:29 AM The Zoom is bulky. I have had grooms who were not at all pleased to have it in any pocket. On a tailored, tapered fit suit the recorder creates a bulge in a jacket pocket that is obvious. With a snug military uniform it can be too much. They will wear it but they often do not like it. I charm them best I can and downplay it, but the look on their face often says it all.
I feel the auto volume works poorly, but I've been told it's normal for these devices. After a pause there is a significant spike in level, often disortedly loud, then it levels out, after next pause their is another spike, and it's a real pain to go through and lower the first word in every section during the edit. I go manual volume now but it's tough to always get that right.
Auto also suck eggs when hooked to a line from a DJ, as after a while it minimizes things too much and is just ruins things.
I do love the recorder, I have two of them, but it has real weaknesses. It is no magical solution.
I find the auto levels on my cameras are much much better and I rely on my wireless more and more due to the issues I have with these darned recorders and getting levels right.
Steve Bleasdale December 6th, 2013, 10:17 AM Yes I find the same so if the groom does not want the zoom I have Olympus ws-320 handy very slim and good recorder.
Peter Riding December 6th, 2013, 10:22 AM In the UK grooms getting married in uniform are few and far between; of course military dress uniforms are tight-fitting. I always thought my own one was far too tight - and they were all individually tailored. No room for a few beers and a slap up meal :- )
In that scenario a Sennheiser G3 is my preferred option as it is small and thin. But then you have all the wired / wireless considerations.
Yep auto-levels has pros and cons. The slight hesitation it has in adjusting after a loud event is annoying but now I usually prefer that to the alternatives of having it on at pre-set level and getting clipped clapping etc or very quiet audio from a softly spoken nearby bride who might otherwise be recorded at a more usable volume if auto is used.
Not sure what you mean by "minimises things" Jeff. It doesn't reset auto-levels after a loud event like its brother the H4n, not in my experience in normal use anyway. But i use the H4n with a pad cable for line feeds and always have its levels set manually.
p.s. I had wondered if the price was a mistake but GAK has now confirmed despatch :- )
Dave Partington December 6th, 2013, 11:23 AM In the UK grooms getting married in uniform are few and far between; of course military dress uniforms are tight-fitting.
Really? I've had 8 in the last year alone…. and yes the microphone becomes a problem.
Peter Riding December 6th, 2013, 12:37 PM Really? I've had 8 in the last year alone…. and yes the microphone becomes a problem.
Perhaps thats a function of how they found you? Recommendations from mates, going to same wedding fairs, seeing same adverts etc? In the many hundreds of weddings I've shot only a handful have worn uniform. In recent years some have said that wearing a uniform at a wedding feels wrong because they associate wearing dress uniforms with attending mates funerals :- ( In my time wearing a uniform in public was discouraged or forbidden as it was seen by the higher-ups as inviting trouble. It could prompt jack-the-lads to pick fights, even in Hereford of all places - you'd think they would know better than to do that there. Contrast Germany where people would flock to buy you drinks. Strange.
But yep, with a military uniform you've got your work cut out even to get a lav on. Easier to lav up the bride :- )
Dave Partington December 6th, 2013, 01:54 PM Perhaps thats a function of how they found you? Recommendations from mates, going to same wedding fairs, seeing same adverts etc?
Interestingly, none of them knew each other as far as I can tell, all came from different units in different parts of the country, some army, some RAF, one was even a search and rescue crew member with Prince William in Anglesey (and was in the TV series with him). So as far as I can tell, they all found us different ways.
But yep, with a military uniform you've got your work cut out even to get a lav on. Easier to lav up the bride :- )
Yeah, but you need one hell of a cleavage to hide the recorder ;)
Matt Brady December 10th, 2013, 02:29 PM Those in the US might want to get their hands on these Zoom H4n whilst they are at this great price.
Zoom H4n Handy Mobile 4-Track Recorder ZH4N B&H Photo Video (
Peter Riding December 11th, 2013, 04:24 AM I received the white H1 the next day. Must say I'm pleasantly surprised by its built quality. I had feared it would look cheap and nasty - lets face it the black version is no looker - but it actually looks classy.
It comes with a free copy of Wavelab 7 LE. That is on its supplied micro SD card so don't format the card before you've copied it over!
Good find Matt. I would be tempted but I do like the get out of jail free option of auto-levels on the H1 :- )
Peter Rush December 11th, 2013, 04:32 AM Repeat after me..."I must stop buying new kit...I must stop buying new kit...I must stop buying new kit..."
Damn I've just bought 2 :)