Mikel Arturo
December 4th, 2013, 04:51 AM
I have to edit a video in Premiere CS5.5 with vertical output.
There is an option to get a vertical preview in program monitor (the second monitor on the right)?
I see a lot of options (audio monitor, quality, color test, etc.), but nothing to rotate 90º the preview monitor.
Or there is any program that can do it?
My neck can not stand more. ;)
Battle Vaughan
December 4th, 2013, 07:26 PM
I understand this to mean that you have a video shot 90 degrees out of position? if so:
In the program monitor, click in the image. A frame will appear around the image. Go to one corner, a curved two-headed arrow will appear. You can use this with the mouse to rotate the image to vertical or whatever angle you want.
Mikel Arturo
December 5th, 2013, 03:59 AM
Thanks for the tip, but I want to edit all in vertical mode. I have to record video turning the cam 90º.
Then I have to edit, titling, etc., in vertical mode. I don't want to turn the video 90º, reframe, zoom in, etc.
I need a workflow to record, edit and output in vertical mode.
I can do it in WMV 1080x1920 sequence, but it doesn't work in AVCHD or MP4 (no legal resolution).
One option is a legal 1920x1080 sequence (panoramic) but turning 2nd monitor (output) to vertical position.
But I think that Premiere CS5.5 doesn't have this option. :(
Ann Bens
December 5th, 2013, 08:42 AM
If you want a vertical output in the PM (or export' your sequence also has to have vertical dimesions.
Instead of setting up a sequence e.g. 1280x720 you set up a seqeunce with 720x1280 for width and heigth.