View Full Version : Kinotechnik EVF; Yay or Nay?

Donald Ong
December 3rd, 2013, 08:38 AM
Hi guys, posted previously about mounting an evf and just discovered (well, more of re-discovered) the Kinotechnik LCDVFe EVF. It seems like a really good deal with a good solid mount thrown in. battery life off 4x AAs also seems really good. It basically checks all my boxes for on camera monitoring...

So i would just like to ask if any of you have first hand experience with it on canon DSLRs and how it performs in regards to colour reproduction and usability. I can't check it out personally as it isn't carried at local camera stores and i will have to order it in...

Hence, would really appreciate if someone could chip in regarding its colour reproduction (for canon dslrs) and reliability. Thanks!

this is the one I'm talking about: