View Full Version : Beachtek DXA SLR Pro limeter lights question

Ben Edwards
November 25th, 2013, 06:54 AM
Hi, I just got the above an am a bit confused by what the red limeter lights are actualy telling me. They only seem to come on when the limeter is on (confirming they are related to the limeter). Well I asume this means the limiter is kicking in.

The scale goes up to +3 whitch makes me think I can go to +3 before peaking but the limeter light flashes at 0 (or may be less). I am acustomes to setting things up so the liteter only verry ocasionaly comes on (idealy not atall) but wit this device if I set things to -12 and do intervews the limeter someson a lot, there seems to be verry little headroom between -12 and the point the limeter comes on.

The scale only oges to +18 so the whole thing seems a bit fiddwly to set up (I go from no signal to +12 by moving the knobs only a bit).

Anyway was wondering if anyone else is haveing this problem or if there is something wrong with my one?

Any thought/insigtes (deom people who have used this).