View Full Version : Building a simply DIY motorized camera dolly system

Lauren Lewis
November 21st, 2013, 11:23 AM
--- ServoCity's simple DIY camera dolly ---

Want to know what the final outcome will look like and how it can be used? Check out this video review by : Simple DIY Motorized Video Track Dolly Project CheesyCam (

It is now easier than ever to build your own custom dolly. Simply use our new Dolly Wheel Idler Plates to assemble a low friction system designed to work with 1” OD to 2” OD tubing (and any OD in between). We highly recommend using standard PVC pipe that can easily be purchased at your local hardware store.
Dolly Wheel Idler Plates A (585534) (

Want to motorize your dolly platform? We have a simple solution. Our new Dolly Wheel Drive Plates make it easy to assemble a low friction drive system designed to work with the Dolly Idler plates mentioned above. The parts will work with most gearmotors that utiltize a 6mm bore output shaft.
Dolly Wheel Drive Plates B (585536) (

Ralph Gereg
November 21st, 2013, 11:57 AM
From a glance through the page on your link, looks like some pretty cool stuff. Thanks for sharing. I must admit though, the pictures that I saw of the Dolly, at first I was thinking it totally reminded me of thinking built from an Erector Set. :)