View Full Version : XA 20 Timecode Question

Robert Young
November 15th, 2013, 07:23 PM
Is there any way to turn timecode off such that the XA 20 time display shows only the length of the last clip and automatically resets to zero when you start recording the next clip.
This was not a problem on the XA10, or any of my Sony cams, but now I'm stumped...

Don Palomaki
November 21st, 2013, 08:50 AM
Do understand correctly that you want time code for each clip to start at 0, much as many of the proumer the tape-based camcorders did after a gap (meaning blank tape) in the recording on tape?

There is a manual timecode start setting. Not sure about automatic.

Robert Young
November 21st, 2013, 06:06 PM
For this purpose, I'm not actually interested in recording ANY time code.
I just want the on screen counter to tick off the duration of the current clip, then start from zero with the next clip.
So, like for shooting B-roll, if I want 10 sec clips, I can see the count on the display and terminate the shot @ 10 sec., then when starting the next shot, the counter resets to zero.
As I said, it was never a problem to set this up on the XA 10, or any of my many Sony cams, but I can't find a way on the XA 20.

Bob Ohlemann
November 22nd, 2013, 12:50 AM
I don't think it can be set up the way you are looking to do it. To make it worse, it doesn't appear you can assign a custom function button to reset the timecode either. Shame, it had the potential to be such a nice camera. Seems anyone who knew anything about video was on vacation when they wrote the software.


Robert Young
November 22nd, 2013, 10:04 PM
It is a surprise, particularly in view of the fact that it was a non-issue on the XA 10
In all fairness I should add that IMO the many new features and changes in the XA 20 make it a better cam than the XA 10.
Overall, I'm feeling like the upgrade was worth it to me

Tim Knapp
January 14th, 2014, 10:30 AM
Thanks for this post ... I had been wondering the same thing, especially after using the XA-10. I believe that is the DEFAULT mode on the XA-10. But the XA-10 didn't embed timecode, nor have near the options when it came to timecode. So I guess that is the trade-off. However, why there can't be BOTH on the XA-20/25 is a mystery ... seems like a fairly simple software programming addition. Maybe in a firmware update?

Robert Young
January 16th, 2014, 11:07 PM
I'll be amazed if they give us a firmware upgrade.
I suspect they will save it all for the Canon XA-30/35...