View Full Version : HELP, none of the C100 record buttons work!
Kevin O'Connor November 8th, 2013, 09:51 PM I rented a C100 for a shoot tomorrow and started to test out all the features. When I picked it up only the hand grip start/stop button worked. I shot a few minutes of footage then tried to set the other record buttons to function but did not fined a custom setting for them. I then re-set the buttons and now none of the start/stop/record buttons work.
How do I restore function to the (3) standard record buttons?
James Manford November 9th, 2013, 03:48 AM By calling up the rental shop and asking them. Sounds like a faulty camcorder to me ... or is this a hidden feature of the camcorder? disabling all recording functionalities?
Wayne Avanson November 9th, 2013, 05:52 AM Not sure but is the on/off/lock button set to 'lock'? I don't know if this would stop EVERYTHING working. But worth asking…
Andy Wilkinson November 9th, 2013, 07:18 AM Try 2 things - both with the camera turned off.
1. Unplug and again plug in the XLR handle's cable to the camera body - I'm sure you'll have tried this already though!
2. Unscrew the SIDE hand-grip (not the top handle/XLR unit) and remove the side grip from the camera body very slightly. Within it you'll see a plug (on the end of a very short lead) that's located within the side grip attachment. Carefully make sure that plug is firmly pushed into the socket on the camera body and re-attach the hand grip around it.
Also, there should be a full camera reset somewhere in the menu - just look in the handbook and if necessary do that too. Might be worth doing that anyway as you've no idea what settings someone left it with. Good luck!
Nicholas de Kock November 9th, 2013, 01:42 PM Also if you only have one memory card in the slot and the camera is set on the other empty slot it won't record until you select the correct slot, it won't automatically switch.
Ben Giles November 10th, 2013, 04:09 AM Is the memory card door closed?
Andy Wilkinson November 10th, 2013, 06:59 AM Good point Ben. Kevin, I bet that's it! Forgot about that one as I just do that 'on autopilot' now!
Hope Canon sort that out with a future firmware update is it prevents card swapping, if your recording on the other slot. Mind you, I tend to do dual slot recording now, just in case, whenever possible and rarely do huge continous long clips in my type of chosen work.
Art Varga November 10th, 2013, 12:50 PM I've had similar issues in the past where some controls were not functioning and found the plug for the side grip tends to need a little extra push to get seated properly.
Kevin O'Connor November 10th, 2013, 10:07 PM Thanks, I tried everything that everyone suggested and it came back to life. So, I'm not sure what the magic trick was. I bet it was set to record on the empty card slot and I didn't notice, I was messing with all the features at the time. There is a hard reset button that you need a paper clip to poke and activate. Not sure if this did anything because nothing happened when i pressed it. I pressed and held but the power didn't shut off or the screen didn't flash and re-boot. I don't know if the hard reset button did anything.
But all was working in time for the shoot, which I captured some great footage. I think this will be my next purchase soon.
Wayne Avanson November 15th, 2013, 09:23 AM I just had the same problem (post firmware update the other day) and I think it might have been something to do with the handles plug. I had both card in and the door shut. I reset the camera and then reloaded the settings in form the SD card, plugged the cable back in and now it works again.
For clarity, I reset using the menu function not the paper clip hard reset.
Kevin O'Connor November 15th, 2013, 12:33 PM Interesting, I only had one SD card installed but I was removing the handle to try the different functions and detatched the pin connector. I did make sure the connector was seated firmly before securing the hand grip again.
My 5D mKII had a lock up issue before that required me to remove the battery and the CF card to reset everything, so I tried that process on the C100 and everything was restored. Still not sure what the paper clip reset was designed to do.