View Full Version : DaVinci Resolve

Roy Feldman
November 8th, 2013, 03:47 AM
The latest version of the free DaVinci Resolve now works really well with my Win 8.1 and AMD video card. Thanks Black Magic... now about the 700 page manual.

Woody Sanford
November 9th, 2013, 05:30 PM
I'm pretty much a Resolve junkie myself. Version 10 is working well on win7. It's even extremely fast on my laptop as well. I'm also round tripping with Vegas 12 via XML without any issues. It sure handles 60p footage much better with the GPU capability.

Phil French
December 21st, 2013, 03:10 PM
I have had a quick look at Resolve Lite and it seems rather clunky to me. What do you mean by round tripping? How does that work? Is the lite version no indication of the full version? Do I have to work from my c: drive? Is it mainly to work in conjunction with Black magic's cameras and formats? I have Vegas and it would be nice to pair the two up, but I just don't know where to begin.

Chris Barcellos
December 22nd, 2013, 01:11 PM
My understanding is round tripping is treating raw footage with a basic lut for editing purposes, then editing footage in your editor, and then taking finalized scenes back to Resolve for fixing indivdual elements and final color correction.

Woody Sanford
December 25th, 2013, 07:29 PM
I take my footage and edit it roughly in a timeline in Vegas. Export a XML and media pool. Import that XML timeline into Resolve and color correct and/or add some effects from Resolve and then render out the individual clips and timeline from resolve. Then import them back into Vegas as a timeline and finish.

It's not really that much different than dynamic linking was with Premiere Pro and After Effects, just a couple more clicks but you get the full ability of Resolve that lets you do a lot more faster than PP to AE ever was and you can do it with Vegas Pro 12, Edius, FC what ever.

If you deal with a lot of scene matching or DSLR footage or you are just into shooting LOG and grading, there is nothing better.

Tom Roper
January 3rd, 2014, 01:15 PM
If you have a group of nodes making up a grade you can save it as a "Power Grade". Just click on the power grade option in your gallery, then right click on the video preview window and select "Grab Still" it will save a copy of the node tree in your power grades. You can create luts, save stills all kinds of stuff and export them as well.

Woody, when grabbing a still that saves a copy of the node tree as described above, this "still" is not simply a bitmap image screenshot, but an editable database of the coloring settings that were used in the node tree, yes?

Would I paste the still onto a clip to apply the settings?

Woody Sanford
January 3rd, 2014, 05:58 PM
Hi Tom,

You would select a node in your new project then right click on the power grade and select an option to apply it. You can "Apply correction" or say "Append to node graph" which will put it on the last node.

I use power grades not only as looks but I have ones for say adding sharpening only in the luma channel or special glows or desaturation treatments for certain cameras, so I use them as technical fixes as well that speed things up, more like tool presets. So how you apply them in the node tree does change depending on priority of things like that.


Tom Roper
January 3rd, 2014, 06:56 PM
Perfect, exactly what I need, the simplest things sometimes.

The issue was that the Sony F55 has (2) S-Log2 gamma curves, one for 3200K and one for 5400K. Vegas has companion ACES input display transformations (IDT) for S-Log2 3200K and 5400K, but Resolve only has one, with unspecified color temperature. It works great with daylight, but goes all wrong with tungsten. So I spent quite a bit of time correcting that, and now I want to save the work so I don't have to do it again, just apply the powergrade. Now I'm set.

Thanks again Woody for being such a great source on Resolve!

Woody Sanford
January 3rd, 2014, 07:24 PM
Anytime Tom,

You can build all kinds of "Powergrades" or presets and really speed things up and still tweek them for the individual footage after applying them.