View Full Version : Export transcript from metadata

Mark Ahrens
November 7th, 2013, 04:31 PM
Is there a way to get the metadata field (AnalysisText) exported to text file?

I exported a 20m interview audio out of FCPx, imported into PrProCC, analyzed the speech recognition thru AdobeMediaEncoder, now back in PPCC the transcript isn't super accurate but it would be useful to a copy writer who is going to reshape the story. I can't figure out how to get it out. And i can sweep, copy, paste.


Battle Vaughan
November 8th, 2013, 05:55 PM
For PC, I assume Mac does something similar:

Run the analysis. Open Metadata >speech analysis window. in the Analysis Text window, right-click in the text, select "copy all." This puts the text on your clipboard. Open Notebook or another word processor, select paste.