View Full Version : Flycam and wrist

Jeff Cook
October 24th, 2013, 04:10 PM
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but the other day I used an Ace bandgage type wrap around my wrist while I used my Flycam. I did not think it was going to do much. Wow, was I surprised. My wrist did not get as fatigued as it does without it. Just a simple thought you may want to use.

Evan Bourcier
October 24th, 2013, 05:14 PM
What are you flying? I have a glidecam hd-4000 now but I've never had wrist issues. I flew an fs700 for a good chunk of yesterday. Dunno if it's technique or just strong wrists hah.

Jeff Cook
October 24th, 2013, 10:22 PM
I just starting flying a Flycam Nano with 60d and a 17-50 lens. I just grabbed a writs support out of my gym bad and used it to see. I think I will continue using it.

Chris Harding
October 24th, 2013, 11:08 PM
Hi Jeff

They actually make quite an elaborate wrist support for flycams too that extend halfway up your forearm ...It's basically more to keep your wrist supported as that is where the fatigue happens but it still doesn't help your arm soreness as a whole. I have always used a dual arm and vest so never had the issue but then again all my cameras have been at least 5lbs. I still wouldn't like to put my Nikons on a flycam ! With the grip and dual batteries they still are pretty heavy.

Adrian mentioned something a while back about a rig made for GoPros... that would solve the wrist problem as they are feather weight cameras!
