View Full Version : Changing reel numbers (and lots of them)

Zach Mull
September 29th, 2005, 10:14 AM
Is it possible to change the reel numbers for a group of clips all at once? I am trying to clean up and archive an old project that someone else captured quite irresponsibly, and I can't seem to change more than one reel number at a time. It's a 2-hour project cut down from about 32 hours of raw footage, all of which was logged and captured, and the Media Manager is not having it without reel numbers on any of the clips.

Les Wilson
October 1st, 2005, 06:08 AM
I've been in the same boat. Did not find a way. Best I could do was put the real number in the clip board and do:

Zach Mull
October 2nd, 2005, 11:44 PM
Thanks Ernest. That's what I've been doing - just wanted to make sure there's no better way before I do the last 300 click and pastes.

Zach Mull
October 9th, 2005, 12:27 PM
I figured out how to do this, in case Ernest or anyone else cares. Make sure that at least one clip in your project has the reel number you want. Then select all the clips that should have this reel number and right click in the Reel column in the browser. You'll get a context menu with a list of all the reels used in the project. Select the correct reel, accept the timecode change and wait while FCP chugs through all the files. It takes a minute because FCP is changing the metadata in your actual media files and not just changing info in the project file, but it works.

Les Wilson
October 9th, 2005, 01:18 PM
Cool. Will have to remember it. The technique could be handy for other columns too. I always forget about those context menus.