View Full Version : Sony BVS-3100 Tally

Zach Legleiter
October 10th, 2013, 05:45 PM
Hello all,

I have a Sony BVS-3100 composite switcher set up in my church. I also have a Sony DSR-370 camera hooked to a Sony CCU-D50 Camera Control Unit (through 26-pin multicore cable). I am needing help with how to get tally from the switcher to the CCU.

The switcher has a large (25-pin in think) connector on the back that is labeled tally, and the CCU has the same. It is labeled Tally/Intercom. I currently only have one CCU-D50 connected to the switcher (via composite) But in the future i will be putting more cameras and CCU-D50's and CCU-M5A's into the switcher.

I know the CCU-D50 and the M5A has a different tally connector on the back. How would these both be hooked up? What is the difference, and which CCU is better/easier to use with tally?

Thanks in advance for your help!