View Full Version : Kudos to Sachtler!

James Kuhn
October 8th, 2013, 01:37 PM
I recently had the occasion to return my FSB 8 Fluid Head to Sachtler for service. The experience exceeded my expectations, which has happened so seldom in my life, I thought it deserved mentioning.

Mr. Randy Frisch and his folks Inspected/Cleaned/Lubricated/Adjusted the Fluid Head and returned it to me in approximately one week! That in itself isn't remarkable until you consider, I originally sent the package to the wrong address! : (

Even with my 'customer induced schedule delay', Randy and his crew managed a turnaround of one week. I don't know what else I could ask for?

My much loved FSB 8 is back home and operating perfectly.

Thanks to all the folks at Sachtler Service!

Best regards,

Garrett Low
October 8th, 2013, 06:12 PM
James, that is another perk of owning a first rate piece of gear. The company will generally stand behind it and will want it out in the field performing to it's best as much as possible. They realize every day it is in their shop it isn't working for someone.


Bo Sundvall
October 9th, 2013, 12:24 AM

What was wrong with your head?
(The Sachtler, not the one on top of your body :-) )



James Kuhn
October 9th, 2013, 10:45 AM
Garrett...I agree. It does 'pay' to buy good equipment and Sachtler stands behind their product.

Bo...if we're talking about the 'Head' on the top of my shoulders, that's a much longer discussion involving teams of professionals. : )

My Fluid Head simply wandered from OEM factory specs and needed Clean/Lube/Adjust. Now, it's better than new! Excellent turnaround from Randy Frisch and his service group.

