Norris Combs
October 3rd, 2013, 10:52 PM
In DVD renders, I put markers to separate chapters on the timeline by hitting "M". The markers are carried over to the final product. However, when I render for bluray, even with "M" placed at multiple positions on the timeline, I cannot check the option "Save project markers in rendered video file". Therefore, my bluray file is one long continuous video.
Juris Lielpeteris
October 4th, 2013, 12:34 AM
I can check this option "Save project markers in rendered video file" in Vegas Pro versions v10.0e and v12.0.714 when rendering to Sony AVC or Mainconcept MPEG-2 for Blu-ray (when timeline has markers).
Jo Ouwejan
October 4th, 2013, 03:05 AM
I am still using version 8 and in this version the markers, set in Vegas are not carried to DVD Architect neither. On a BluRay version that is. I can live with that, as it is also possible to place the required markers in the avc videofile in DVD Architect. Now the chapters are alive and working.