Peter Rush
October 3rd, 2013, 02:17 AM
Hi - anyone using this? I want to dust off my Mark III and give it another go - I never got on with the ergonomics but for dark evening receptions I think it will come into it's own. Lack of focus peaking was an issue for me but I've never tried magic lantern - It's in Alpha stage and apparently you have to update the firmware every time you turn the camera on - is this true?
Andy Wilkinson
October 3rd, 2013, 04:46 AM
I saw Nigel Barker recently and he showed me his 5DMkIII running ML. He shoots weddings like you. Looked pretty good (in the very brief amount of time I had to play with it). Focus peaking, audio meters - lovely! Maybe Nigel will see your post and comment.
Nigel Barker
October 3rd, 2013, 07:08 AM
I was impressed with the achievement of the Magic Lantern developers but wasn't sure that it had enough features to be useful however I have been converted. It's great on the 5D3. I have ML on the SD card so it automatically boots from that each time the camera is powered on. It doesn't noticeably lengthen the boot time either. I then record video to the Compact Flash card.
The major feature that I like is zebras. Peaking is OK but not half as good as real peaking on a camcorder. There are lots & lots of nice features that just make the camera better to use e.g. running display of number of GB free on the card There are lots of features particularly to do with stills & time lapse that I haven't had a chance to test yet. HDR video is neat although the post production is a bit of a performance likewise with shooting RAW which is amazing but a complete pain the backside in post.
You need to download & use a recent nightly build Nightly Builds - try the very latest stuff here (
Peter Rush
October 3rd, 2013, 07:33 AM
Thanks Nigel - I'm playing with it now :)