View Full Version : Just bought a C300, got any tips/suggestions?

Scott Gold
September 29th, 2013, 04:15 PM
Just bought a C300 and will be putting it to use asap. Been doing a lot of research, but was wondering if any of you C100/C300 owners have any recommendations/best practices?

BTW, thinking about getting the 17-55mm's the go-to RNG lens right?


Andy Wilkinson
September 29th, 2013, 04:24 PM
I have the Canon 17-55 F2.8 IS and it is optically great but many prefer the extra reach on the long end (plus better build quality) of the Canon 24-105 F4 IS for run-n-gun. Some even have both! Many agonise over this but in truth either is a good choice. IS is essential for hand-held stuff as I am sure your research will have found.

Nicholas de Kock
September 29th, 2013, 06:22 PM
I have both the 17-55 & 24-105. The 24-105 is almost an all in one lens & 105MM gives amazing reach, a must have lens. Sometimes I need a wider lens as 24 is tight this is where the 17-55 comes in, also the 24-105 @ F4 is a little slow in "extreme" low light for that I go with 17-55 @ 2.8 but I really want to get a few 1.4 primes for low light or the new Sigma 18-35 F1.8.

If I had to chose one lens it would be the 24-105.

Scott Gold
September 29th, 2013, 07:16 PM
Thanks for the response guys.
How about the IS on that 24-105mm...can you hear it when it operates?

On another note...have you guys used the Rode Videomic Pro with the C300 while it's stripped down?
I can really hear the fan in quite rooms.

Sabyasachi Patra
September 30th, 2013, 12:30 AM
I have the EF 24-105 L IS USM and use it when I am handholding due to the IS. While using tripod, I prefer the EF 24-70 f2.8 L USM lens.

Also, there are situations where the 105mm is preferable due to better reach.

I also use the 70-200 f2.8 L IS II USM lens. Great IS and very sharp lens.

I use a Sennheiser MKH 416 with the C300. Whenever there is a chance, I attach a 20 feet cable and take the mike closer to the subject. I had written a review of the C300 sometime back and may be of help: Review: Canon C300 for Wildlife Filming (

Andy Wilkinson
September 30th, 2013, 12:31 AM
Noise. Some factors to be aware of are:

1. I find IS on 17-55 is remarkably quiet, as indeed it is on my Canon 100mm F2.8 Macro but, for reference is pretty noisy on my Canon 70-200mm F4 IS - which is otherwise a super lens, so much easier to handhold for long periods than the heavy 2.8 version (although the latest II is really sharp - I borrowed one a few weeks it all really depends what's most important to you!). Also, I don't (yet!) have the 24-105 so can't compare IS noise directly. I also have the Canon 10-22mm for the really wide stuff.

2. I have many mics including the Rode VMP. Yes it will pick up IS noise - especially with the 70-200 F4 of course and particularly on my stripped down C100 (as the mic is then mounted closer to the lens than when its mounted further up on the C100 handle's front cold shoe). With my other two lenses with IS then its not really a problem in most run-n-gun action, using manual audio levels of course.

3. On (at least my) C100 the fan noise is not a problem - it's whisper quiet. Also C100 has a menu setting so you can have the fan only come on if its really needed. I think (and I am not 100% sure on this...) I read somewhere that this Auto fan setting will be added to the C300 in the next much anticipated firmware update back end of this year.

Edit: just checked - no I was imagining that Auto fan thing - must have been on someones C300 wish list I read. Details of what's actually coming here: