View Full Version : Affordable High Speed Video Camera

Tim Lewis
September 25th, 2013, 12:56 AM
Hi All

For those with a need for speed, this new Kickstarter project may quench your thirst:

edgertronic - The first affordable high speed video camera. by edgertronic — Kickstarter (

It is not necessarily cheap, but it is getting closer to the realms of ordinary folk. The videos are certainly worth a look. How long could you make that kiss at the altar last?



Jack Zhang
September 25th, 2013, 01:24 AM
I know a friend trying to build his own high speed camera from scratch. Each time I've visited him, he's progressively improved the design. This video is from a over a year ago, but showed his progress at that point on his own high speed camera design. He's progressed to the point of trying to write software for the camera.

High-speed camera and Inverter update - YouTube

Meng Li
September 25th, 2013, 01:28 AM
I so like this thing. though it probably can't catch the speed of a bullet, it can still make great scenes such as tennis ball hitting the bat, etc. Wonder when this can be released.

Tim Lewis
September 25th, 2013, 02:15 AM
The Kickstarter page says December this year.

Giroud Francois
September 25th, 2013, 05:34 AM
500fps at full res (1280x1024) , well i would give 500$ not 5 THOUSAND !!!
you can get 120 fps at from a GoPro in 720p and some Casio camera can go up 500 fps .

Michael Kraus
September 25th, 2013, 08:14 AM
I love the epic lizard leap fail.

Darren Levine
September 25th, 2013, 09:53 AM
im on the wall about this one. i'm one of those who has been interested in high speed, but have no practical need for it professionally.

they're definitely targeting the higher tier though. otherwise i would say an fs700 is far more practical and has more uses. that, and it's always possible another big company already has a high speed camera in the works, the nikon 1 cameras have high speeds, but lack in resolution. gopros have the resolution, but lack lens options. the elements are all there and i would be surprised if there weren't other high speed cameras right around the corner.

the main thing that concerns me about the kickstarter, is that this thing is controlled via web browser. so it's not an all in one camera. which then makes me ask, well, what am i getting with this vs just buying an industrial camera head? some differences are obvious, like the onboard recording, but a demonstration on controlling it would have been a good idea...

Murray Christian
September 25th, 2013, 11:29 AM
This does seem exactly like an industrial inspection/ scientific camera (like this one ( Maybe the price is the big difference. Those seem to be quite variable in price and availability. The connectivity and on board memory help too I guess (but then the other is much higher res). Tradeoffs abound. As ever I suppose.

If they just made it into a video camera and upped the res to HD... (I wonder how bad it would affect the price to give it a handle and some sort of onboard controls. Probably a lot).

Also, they say they don't want to do EF because Canon doesn't make cheap manual lenses. Well, I'm pretty sure others have for that mount though. It doesn't matter that much, it just seemed like an odd thing to say.

Mark Watson
September 25th, 2013, 12:08 PM
I wish them luck, I like to see more competition in the area of high speed. I doubt they'll sell many at that price though. Better to spend a little more and just get the Sony FS700. From the FAQs on their site, I think the record times will be very short.


Dylan Couper
September 26th, 2013, 04:02 PM
I wouldn't give a kickstarter camera a hug and a dollar for the bus...

But I WOULD drop $5k on this if it was a retail purchase.

I think it's very decent value for the buck... though somewhat of a niche market. I've been nagging everyone I know in the camera world to make an affordable HD high speed camera. this would be it... or at least the start of it.

Or at least until GoPro or JVC catch on and catch up.

Jack Zhang
September 26th, 2013, 04:37 PM
My friend is trying to design a battery based one (if anyone was watching the video I posted earlier in the thread) with a Touchscreen LCD.

It's very early stages, but I think he might move forward with it more if there's interest.

Murray Christian
September 27th, 2013, 04:22 AM
Your friends' sounds very interesting.
I couldn't find his target specs. Do you know what they are?
I just want something that behaves like a video camera (even if all it does is HS); shoots a standard frame size with a decent picture and some good lens options then saves to some sane format (ie knock all the pro video camera features off the FS700 and leave me with a little cheap(er) high speed).
Even this one supposedly aimed for the masses has a form factor, frame res and image like an industrial camera (but I appreciate its hard to do this stuff). Seems like there's still plenty of room to bridge that gap.

Jack Zhang
September 27th, 2013, 05:30 PM
All specs are WIP for my friend's camera, but frame sizes can be programmed in via software.

My friend's camera also has a H.264 encoder, so it's likely you can save in that format.

If you want anything more detailed, I'll post that in a different thread since this thread is about the Kickstarter project.