View Full Version : Audio problem - help!

Ian Whelan
September 23rd, 2013, 06:51 AM
Hi - I've been having audio problems with Vegas for a while now. What happens is when I add a additional audio timeline, and put a music track on it - sometimes it will substitute the track with a slowed down version of another track. You can check it out here (ignore the image quality - just for illustration purposes). The beautiful Forbidden Colours sounds mighty strange here! Normally I close Vegas an reopen and it starts up fine but it's starting to effect weddings I'm rendering...

Private Video on Vimeo
Password: bad

Any thoughts?

Graham Bernard
September 23rd, 2013, 10:47 PM
Sounds like the Audio has been stretched or somehow it is being badly re-sampled.

What format is that audio and what are your Audio settings for the Project?

Please post a screen grab of the Timeline showing clearly the Audio Event on its Track?

