View Full Version : Why XA20 clips in Windows Media Player have no sound?

Cristiana Bontemps
September 16th, 2013, 02:26 PM
Hi everyone,

I would be very grateful if someone could help me solve the following problem. I am owner of a Canon XA 10, and I have acquired recently the Canon XA20.
I have Windows 7 - 64 bits. I edit with Premiere Pro CC.
I have noticed that when I import to my computer clips from the XA20, some of them ( about 50%) open in Windows Media Player with no sound. However there is sound. I can hear it when I read the clip in the media section of the camera, as well as in Premiere Pro. (when I import a clip that is mute in WMP it plays correctly in Premiere).

The strange thing is that the other half of the clips, from the same card, play in Windows Media Player with their sound.

That is very disturbing, I need to use these clips in WMP. I never encountered this problem with the XA10.

The settings of the video in the camera aere: AVCHD 28 Mbps LPCM (50P) 1920x1080
Thanks in advance to anyone who could help

Jeff Harper
September 16th, 2013, 04:26 PM
If you do not find another solution, can you simply render the clips into any format that WMP can play? Should be fine, then, even if inconvenient. In the meantime, maybe a better solution to the issue will come along.

Ron Evans
September 16th, 2013, 09:04 PM
I do not think that WMP will play AVCHD with LPCM audio. Dolby is fine at any frame rate so if you want to play in WMP use Dolby for the file. Not sure if Quicktime will play the file either. LPCM is good for acquisition but edited file is better with Dolby.

Ron Evans

Jody Arnott
September 17th, 2013, 12:47 AM
I've never been able to play the files from my XA10 using Windows Media Player. However VLC does the job fine.

Don Palomaki
September 17th, 2013, 05:03 AM
Which version of WMP adn Windows are you using?

Might be missing the codec you need. might help (but I've not tried it).