View Full Version : Brides biggest regret....

Matt Brady
September 14th, 2013, 11:05 AM
In this report the biggest regret was not having a video. Please ladies, don't be caught regretting your decision.

98 Percent of Brides Regret This Choice After Their Weddings | Ariane Fisher (

98 Percent of Brides Regret This Choice After Their Weddings
Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post (

Guess what it was? That right kids.......a wedding film.

Adrian Tan
September 14th, 2013, 11:38 AM
Hey Matt, I enjoyed reading that, but maybe it's biased. The article's author does have an interest in promoting wedding video:

Ariane Fisher (

Matt Brady
September 14th, 2013, 11:56 AM
I dont mind one bit ;)

Steve Bleasdale
September 16th, 2013, 06:36 AM
Hey Matty classic this morning?

Steve are you free on the 4 may next year 2014 we love your work you did my friends wedding a couple months ago, think we will go for a similar package? Have you any prices?
(So another one that goes on the website and sees the packages and prices, but asks have you prices and is best mates with the brides wedding couple months ago.)

Yes that dates free at present!
Ha great will secure the deposit in an hours time!!

Hi sorry but we are going with my cousin now thanks, he has just got a new boss camcorder..... Hahahaha...
Jeeez some idiots out there...

Matt Brady
September 16th, 2013, 07:29 AM
On the wedding fair yesterday, I say "have you thought about having your wedding day filmed?"

Responses "No way!!!" or "its ok am getting a friend from work to do it."

*Sigh* I wish them luck, but fear for the worse.

Steve Bleasdale
September 16th, 2013, 09:09 AM
Yep let them swallow there own wonky footage Matt...
For me I get great feedback in Karen's bridal shop particularly on the Monday when they bring the under skirt loan back. How was the wedding? Karen always asks?
(Bride) don't ask I wish I would have employed Steve...
My cousin did not have a clue was late for the ceremony did not catch the rings being exchanged his battery ran out at the speeches and each and every time Karen says to me they end up crying, but did they book me in the first place, urm no!! could not afford it but wish they had...The smiles to myself at tea time when she tells me are as big as a Cheshire cat, thank you to the proper clients that book and want my service.