View Full Version : GH3 flickering exposure

Ed Kukla
September 14th, 2013, 07:05 AM
Bought a new GH3. Put my 14-140 lens from my GH2 on it.

I have everything set to manual but when I pan toward a bright window, I see some jumping in exposure. Not a full exposure change, more of a flicker. And I hear some clicking in the lens. That is unaceptable!

What gives?


William Hohauser
September 14th, 2013, 08:09 AM
Which picture mode are you in? Dynamic picture mode will change the image as you pan even if everything in the camera is set to manual, the other modes shouldn't. Clicking in the lens doesn't make sense especially if you didn't hear this while the lens is on the GH2. Perhaps your lens needs a firmware upgrade. Yes, some Panasonic lenses have programming in them and you can find the firmware on Panasonic's site.

Ed Kukla
September 14th, 2013, 08:11 AM
Not in Dynamic.
Will check on firmware for lens.

Ed Kukla
September 14th, 2013, 09:44 AM
GH3 vers 1.2
14-140 vers 1.4; which is the latest version.

Bruce Foreman
September 14th, 2013, 03:39 PM
Ed, you may not be in full manual as you think.

With the mode dial on top set to the movie camera icon, look in the menus for EXPOSURE MODE. This will offer four choices: P(rogram, A(perture priority), S(hutter priority), and M(anual) mode.

Select M and "nail" it by pressing the "menu/set" button.

Then while you're at it look for an item CONSTANT PREVUE and set that to ON.

Remember to set your ISO to your preferred value manually (if you are really in manual mode you should not have an option for AUTO on this.

The M for manual on the dial on top is for still photography only and will have no effect on motion picture mode.

See if the above makes a difference for you.

Ed Kukla
September 14th, 2013, 03:47 PM
Sory Bruce, no banana. All of those options I set from the beginning.

Thanks for playing!

William Hohauser
September 14th, 2013, 04:47 PM
Is this flicker recorded or just on the LCD? Are you zooming the lens when it happens? Do you have another lens to check with?

The lens clicking might indicate that you have a defective GH3 as I never experience the problem you describe.

Ed Kukla
September 14th, 2013, 05:35 PM
Yes to zooming.

But now I can't duplicate it!

William Hohauser
September 14th, 2013, 10:55 PM
The exposure will change with zooming on all the Lumix lenses except for the very expensive LUMIX® G X VARIO 12-35mm / F2.8 ASPH. Lens which is designed for constant exposure therefore the expense. Many still camera zoom lenses will change exposure with a zoom but that doesn't usually matter with stills.