View Full Version : Just held auditions! Thanks to DVInfo!

Brian Andrews
September 28th, 2005, 10:43 AM
Hey all,

I posted the "Pre-Production for a first time director" thread a few weeks back. I just wanted to let everyone know that I held my first ever auditions last Saturday. Thanks to all the great info I got from this board I think the auditions went over very well. I have nothing to compare to but I think we did OK.

I rented space in NYC for $10/hour. I had a friend in the lobby getting the actors comfortable. I had a simple questionaire and extra copies of the sides. We always asked the actors if they were ready, needed more time, etc. These were all tips that I learned from threads here.

We saw about 20 actors for 6 parts over 4 hours. I had 6 no-shows. Everyone was very good except for one or two with no experience. It was amazing to see how "real" actors can change their performance when just given one or two words of direction.

We can definetly cast the movie with the people who came to audition. We actually have some tough choices to make. Hopefully our first pics will be interested and available.

Now off to storyboard and find a DP!

Thanks again everyone.


Reid Bailey
September 29th, 2005, 07:11 AM
Congrats on the auditions!

That's a great step.

And way to score cheap space. I'm lucky enough that the local library has a free meeting room that's usually available, but $10/hr is a find.

Mathieu Ghekiere
September 30th, 2005, 07:48 AM
Glad it went okay, Brian!
Good luck with the rest!