View Full Version : This lens won't shoot 4K, will it?

Pierre Aguillard
September 13th, 2013, 10:06 AM
Am I right in thinking this lens could not be used with an adaptor to shoot with the 1DC in 4K mode because the glass only covers 16mm?

Input would be appreciated :)

David W. Jones
September 13th, 2013, 10:21 AM
I would pass on that for shooting 4K.

The front element looks like it has seen better days as well.

For what it's worth, that lens sold new for $159 in 1957.

Amateur Anamorphotic Adapter Lenses (

Pierre Aguillard
September 13th, 2013, 11:22 AM
You've answered a slightly different question than the one I asked.

I was asking whether the lens would actually provide enough of a projection for the 4K part of the 1DC's sensor - I'm thinking that it won't and trying to clarify that.

You totally avoided dealing with that issue and introduced three others - perhaps because you think they trump it.

They don't! Remember you're not aware of the effect I am trying to create or project I am working on.

I ask again: Am I right in thinking this lens could not be used with an adaptor to shoot with the 1DC in 4K mode because the glass only covers 16mm?

David W. Jones
September 13th, 2013, 12:15 PM
Well the lens was designed to cover a 1:33 regular 16mm Bolex size frame, and then 2x up to 2:66, removed from the Bolex, and then mounted to the projector to un-squeeze the film. There is no way by it self it would cover the 4K sensor in your camera. But hey, through some combo of this lens mounted to your taking lens you might be able to achieve what ever effect you are trying to get that I don't happen to be aware of.

All the best!


Pierre Aguillard
September 14th, 2013, 01:35 AM
Thanks Dave - that's what I needed to know!

Peer Landa
September 14th, 2013, 05:54 PM
For what it's worth, that lens sold new for $159 in 1957.

Which is $1278 in today's currency.

-- peer

Peer Landa
September 14th, 2013, 07:33 PM
Am I right in thinking this lens could not be used with an adaptor to shoot with the 1DC in 4K mode because the glass only covers 16mm?

Seeing that you're interested in buying an anamorphic lens for your 1DC, I was thinking that perhaps you'd be interested in my Zeiss/ISCO-36 f/1.4 anamorphic lens which I'm not using. It's in very good shape.

Here's lowlight test footage with it mounted on my old 5D2:
Anamorphic lens test -- 2.39:1 (2.35:1) on Vimeo

And here's a silly clip showing the entire rig, including the lens:
Widescreen Camera Rig -- anamorphic 2.35:1 on Vimeo

If interested, give me an offer.

-- peer