View Full Version : Rode Videomic Pro, A Warning!

Ronald Jackson
September 13th, 2013, 01:38 AM
Don't forget to switch the thing off!


Paul R Johnson
September 13th, 2013, 01:50 AM
Ok, I'll bite. Why?

Ronald Jackson
September 13th, 2013, 02:23 AM
Battery will eventually run down is my concern. Been on all night and I only thought to check this morning. Conceivably could have been on for days as I don't always need the external mike.
I'm used to phantom powered mikes, mikes powered by the camcorder's own batteries, where I automatically switched the cam off when finished and anyway had power saving in operation or if worse comes to worse a flat battery to be recharged.


Colin McDonald
September 13th, 2013, 02:43 AM
Maybe Rode should have put some nice bright lights on the back to remind us that it's still on. :-)

Thought you were going to tell us the battery died a horrible sticky corrosive death in your microphone.

Actually, I left mine on one night as well and saw it still on the next morning. I was using it again, and it kept going for all of the next day, though I always carry spares.

Ronald Jackson
September 13th, 2013, 03:02 AM
Rode say "up to 70 hours battery life" which not a lot really if, like me, you're into wildlife video with a lot of waiting with cam (and mike) in standby. No idea whether this also applies to mike left switched on but not connected to the camera, or if camera "off" but mike "on".

Will be carrying a spare battery in future (bane of my life, batteries) but don't want to have to sit there counting fingers to work out how much battery life I've got left.

There is a green battery "on" light, will check Rode to see whether this changes colour as battery weakens.


Ronald Jackson
September 13th, 2013, 03:07 AM
Our good old antipodean cousins! Rode say "over 100 hours ---depending" BUT there is a red warning light with another 10 hours before kaput time.


Paul R Johnson
September 13th, 2013, 04:37 AM
Batteries in radio mics, batteries in cameras, batteries in mics, batteries in audio recorders.

Batteries going flat isn't a big deal they're consumable items and it's not really much extra work to stick a new one in, is it?

I have always put new batteries in my radio systems every single outing, and never trust battery meters. My sound man is not so diligent. I always say "Batteries". He always says "They were new yesterday and we didn't use them much". I always insist he swaps them. He always thinks I am mad. Sometimes he doesn't do it - despite my warning, and I always double check before we start. He's always amazed how the battery meters have 'suddenly' taken a big dive, and he's on a panic to swap them at the last moment.

I'd rather spend the money on a fresh battery every outing rather than wreck one with a flat battery.

Colin McDonald
September 13th, 2013, 05:02 AM
+1 on all of that, Paul.

I have plenty of things round the house that are quite happy to run on the part used batteries from radiomics and audio recorders etc.

Could I just put in a plug here for BatteryStation Online ( for any UK members who have not tried them. They have a wide range of products including Duracell Pro and Varta Industrial at fantastic prices if you buy in bulk and the delivery is next day during the I hour slot that they email/text you, changeable if not convenient.

EDIT: As for having to carry a spare battery, here's my new Zoom H6 in its bed (Zoom obviously think the way I do!):

William Hohauser
September 13th, 2013, 10:00 AM
Our good old antipodean cousins! Rode say "over 100 hours ---depending" BUT there is a red warning light with another 10 hours before kaput time.


Yup, I have made a habit of turning off the Rode mike when I put the camera away. And carrying a couple of batteries just in case. I have made a couple of mistakes with turning the mike back on after an extended break. Never ran out during a shoot so I'm not sure what it sounds like when that happens. I have wireless mikes that clearly sound differently as they slowly run down so I can make a strategic decision about when to change batteries.