View Full Version : GH3, Price Reduction Soon In E.U.?

Ronald Jackson
September 12th, 2013, 01:19 AM
Purchased my GH3 a few weeks back. This came with the "free" battery holder which I duly claimed and received from Panasonic UK.
That offer has now expired, and I'm in the market for a second GH3 body but wonder whether there could be a price drop on the horizon. Can't see them selling that many bodies now after that offer, which mopped up a lot of prospective purchasers such as myself. Maybe it was a signal of a future price drop?


Matt Harvey
September 12th, 2013, 03:31 AM
Well, I've just bought one, so that should pretty guarantee a price drop now...

Nigel Barker
September 12th, 2013, 04:41 AM
If you don't mind ordering from Hong Kong & taking a risk on warranty etc then you can purchase for a good price a GH3 & G6 PAL model that most importantly doesn't have the 30 minute recording limit of EU models. There are also special prices on a range of Panasonic MFT lenses. This is by way of Vitaliy Kiselev the GH2 hacker who runs the website gh3-notes:gh3-discount [Personal View FAQs Wiki] (

Ronald Jackson
September 21st, 2013, 08:59 AM
Went to my local camera shop earlier this week to purchase another GH3. Out of stock, should have arrived there yesterday but "missed the van" as I was told this morning when I went to collect and pay.

Will be there Monday I was promised BUT at the new REDUCED price of £799.99 ! A £100 reduction on what I would have paid had the cam been in stock. The battery holder now advertised as an extra rather than being part of the GH3 package but hey, I've already got a battery holder and don't want two as a bit of a hassle changing batteries with holder and VF-4 attached. One GH3 with battery holder, the other with VF-4.
The former for when I use my monitor off a tripod, the other when up and about.

Mind you a whole weekend to be persuaded to get a G6 instead!


Nigel Barker
September 21st, 2013, 11:26 AM
If you can afford the extra £300 then I would say go with the GH3 as for your purposes the proper weatherproofing is going to be worth it. On the other hand you do get 2.4X ETC in 1080@50p on the G6 but not on the GH3. Then again on the GH3 ISO 6400 is the upper limit when shooting video whereas on the G6 is only ISO 3200.

I have just received my PAL G6 with no recording limit from the source that I linked to in an earlier reply. When I tested it today it recorded for 1hr 21 minutes before the cheap (£12) non-Panasonic battery ran out. I am amazed by the image quality & low light capability.