Peter Rush
September 9th, 2013, 10:19 AM
Hi all - I'm looking for a chest/shoulder support for a rig from a UK supplier (or a supplier that will ship to the UK) - very similar to this one - I tend to rest my camera much in the same way you would place a shotgun - in the dip beneath your shoulder so something like this would be ideal. Also something that's not going to break the back like the Berkey System one!
Photography and Cinema - Store Shoulder / Chest Hybrid Pad (
This one would be great but I can't find a UK supplier
Peter Riding
September 9th, 2013, 11:40 AM
Pete, I have one of those that came with my PR-1
Photography and Cinema - Store PR-1 Prime Video Shoulder Rig Kit (
It works well. I would expect their shipping issues with on USA destinations to be very temporary.
Mike Beckett
September 9th, 2013, 03:56 PM
Also check out - sometimes simplicity is good. Shoulder mount with counterweight = good. I'm not so sure about supports that stick into your chest, or that look like an explosion in a meccano shop!
Chris Harding
September 9th, 2013, 06:26 PM
Hi Pete
Cinecity has some pretty affordable rigs and they also ship to the UK ...Worth taking a look as I found they will also quite happily sell you parts of a rig too. I needed a spring rod stabiliser and belt that came with their camera shoulder mount rig and they happily sold me just the bits I needed. Thet have a huge range of DSLR setups too. Try to speak to Sunita she is very helpful
Peter Rush
September 11th, 2013, 12:55 PM
Pete - i heard from pnc who have no idea when they might ship internationally
Chris - some nice stuff there but i already have a rig - i just need to find a chest pad attachment as opposed to something that goes over the shoulder - can't believe they are so hard to find without having to buy a whole new rig :/
Peter Riding
September 16th, 2013, 11:09 AM
Pete, Photography & Cinema appear to be back in business with international shipping.
I just bought their new "Kamerar Big Slider". I had to pay using Paypal because my attempt to use a credit card failed with a "gateway error" whatever that is - I think I've had that before with them.
Photography and Cinema - Store Kamerar BIG Slider (
Shipping to the UK was an eye-watering $75. There may be the customs lottery on top of that as well. I've got quite a few P&C bits and pieces though and I do like what they make.
Peter Rush
September 17th, 2013, 05:21 AM
Hi Peter - International shipping from P&C seems to be only for certain items - not for my chest pad unfortunately
Photography and Cinema - Store Shoulder / Chest Hybrid Pad (
Shame as I like P&C stuff - I have a DSLR cage which i love - is inexpensive and very well made!
Chris Harding
September 17th, 2013, 06:34 AM
Hi Pete
Take a look at Cine City's rigs and if you find the rig that has a chest pad, ask them if they will sell you just the bits you want ..I've done that a few times already and they seem to be quite happy to split up gear for you!!
Peter Rush
September 17th, 2013, 08:22 AM
Thanks Chris - will try today