Edgar Vasiluk
September 2nd, 2013, 07:12 AM
With my last 2 projects I have same problem. After rendering in vegas pro 12 image flashing.
Here is a sample Private Video on Vimeo Move to 22.40 and you will see what I mean.
Password: test1
Please help!
Edgar Vasiluk
September 2nd, 2013, 07:20 AM
Sorry, wrong category...moving to "What happens in Vegas"
Chris Harding
September 2nd, 2013, 07:22 AM
Hi Edgar
Your password is wrong ... it says invalid password!!
First of all ... camera format and what project settings are you using???
Danny O'Neill
September 3rd, 2013, 01:17 AM
I couldn't view the video but from the description try this.
Go into settings, video and disable GPU acceleration.
We have two identical workstations. One with an nvidia card and one with AMD and the nvidia is nothing but trouble
Warren Kawamoto
September 3rd, 2013, 12:18 PM
His password was help. I tried it again, but now it doesnt work...
Danny O'Neill
September 4th, 2013, 05:20 AM
Finally got to watch it. Password is just test
Yeah, its the GPU acceleration. Turn it off, should be better. Options > Preferences > Video > GPU acceleration of video processing, set this to off. If you want to use it, get an AMD Radeon card. Not my personal choice but as I said, Vegas and NVidia seem to suck.
You might also want to look at your framerate as it's stuttering. As your here in the UK make sure your shooting at 25p and also outputting at 25p. I can only guess that somewhere your either shooting at 24p or outputting to 24p to try and get the 'film look' but here in the UK we dont need to. Our native 25p is just as good and saves any outputting problems.