View Full Version : "List My Threads" option?

Gints Klimanis
September 27th, 2005, 07:46 PM
Is there a "List My Threads" feature ? I find this to be immensely useful in checking for responses on threads and use this feature heavily on a digital photography review board.

Stephanie Wilson
September 27th, 2005, 10:14 PM
Is there a "List My Threads" feature ? I find this to be immensely useful in checking for responses on threads and use this feature heavily on a digital photography review board.

Hey Gints,

If you want to find any responses to posts you have previously made..
1) On the TODAY'S POSTS page click the "search" link
2) then click "advanced search"
3) type your name in the box labeled "search name"
4) scroll to the bottom of the page and click "search" and/or "submit" - can't remember which one is there.

I'm pretty sure this is what you want to do.

Good luck,


Gints Klimanis
September 28th, 2005, 06:26 PM
Thanks, Stephanie. Your recipe works. Though, I think many would enjoy the convenience of a single button that would show you your active threads.
I would use this button as often as the "New Posts" button.

Chris Hurd
September 28th, 2005, 07:03 PM
This feature is already here and it's just three clicks away.

1. Click your name to the left of any one of your posts.
2. Click the "view public profile" link in the pop-up menu that comes up.
3. Click the "Find all threads started by" option in the Forum Info box on that page.

Copy that link and paste it in your signature (edit your sig using the "controls" link in the nav bar at the top of any page) and it'll follow you around wherever you go on DV Info Net.

Code it like this... remove the spaces on either side of the brackets and put yor own name in, such as Gints+Klimanis, and add the BB code for the link as follows:

[ url= (insertyour+name) ] List My Threads [ /url ]

So that you get this result: List My Threads (

Gints Klimanis
September 29th, 2005, 02:23 AM
Thanks, Chris. With all of the helpful suggestions, I just feel bad to continue along this line. Have you checked out the My Threads feature at ? It finds all threads on all site fora in which you have contributed a post, not just "threads started by a user" or "all of my posts."
I have found that I don't need to do anywhere as much navigation on user groups as here. Both of the suggestions posted in this thread are correct. Though, I'm talking about a greater level of convenience in following threads on ALL groups on this site. Thanks for a great site, and thank you for your suggestion.


James Connors
September 29th, 2005, 06:30 AM
Dpreview uses some .ASP solution, not sure which one.. could be custom. Doesn't look very nice mind...

Here they use Vbulletin, and that isn't a default feature... there might well be a hack for it, it all depends on the admin stance of installing these. They can be useful, but an utter pain when upgrading versions of the forum.

Its something I'd like to be added into the forum suite I use (IPB), cos I agree.. it is useful (especially if you get the option to 'remove from my posts', ie i might post in a thread that gets hundreds of responses, but i lose interest.. don't need to see it at the top of my screen each day!)

Ken Tanaka
September 29th, 2005, 09:26 AM
The "Show My Threads" feature on DPreview and FredMiranda is quite nice. But, indeed, these sites are basically scratch-built. Phil Askey and Fred Miranda are, or at least were, both basically programmers by vocation and I believe their respective sites each started as home hobby-horse projects.

I'm not familiar with vBulletin's intricacies but I've never seen a vBulletin site offering such a feature. Drat.

Chris Hurd
September 29th, 2005, 09:37 AM
Alas, vBulletin offers a variety of hacks which I have not yet thoroughly explored. I'll look into this once we complete the next forum software upgrade (which will be happening shortly).

James Sarte
October 11th, 2005, 08:41 AM
Hmm.. I've tried to follow the instructions listed above, but when I click on the "List my Threads" link, it just gives me an error of invalid user. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

James Sarte
October 11th, 2005, 08:44 AM
OK, nevermind... figured out what was wrong. I still had the parentheses around my name.