View Full Version : 3-axis camera stabilizing systems – Overview

Paul Prinz
August 23rd, 2013, 04:43 AM
It all started with the sensational announcement of MoVi. The possibilities with this gyro-stabilzing system are incredible. The technology of the gyro system isn’t a new concept but this new interpretation gives all filmmakers a new instrument to realize their creative ideas. Mindcut blog has created a compilation of all current systems.

3-axis camera stabilizing systems - Overview | MINDCUTMINDCUT (

Warren Kawamoto
August 23rd, 2013, 12:14 PM
The Good: Yes! Breathtaking shots, very smooth, new creative shooting will ensue everywhere.

The Bad: Every Tom, Dick, and Harry on this planet will get one and compete against you, the seasoned professional. They'll charge half price, or maybe less than you for their services because they're doing it "for fun."

Dean Sensui
August 31st, 2013, 03:17 AM
The guys who fly cameras on quadcopters have come up with some very cost-effective systems that are amazingly good at stabilizing cameras.

How large is large enough - Aerial Photography - OpenPilot Forums (

Casey Danielson
October 5th, 2013, 09:00 AM
Wow... The RED aerial footage is awesome, mostly due to that brilliant stabilizer. This could be a game changer for [non-military!] aerial photo/video.