View Full Version : Is Horizontal Noise On The LCD Normal?

Alex Leith
August 22nd, 2013, 01:28 AM
I am the (almost) happy owner of a new c100. But I'm a bit concerned about the LCD screen. When I have it set to "bright" horizontal lines appear on the screen, giving the appearance of a dirty pattern over the top of the screen. It's particularly visible on plain walls. And it's just the screen (not the recorded image).

I just wanted to know if this is normal or not before I drive three hours to get a replacement.

I apologize to those of you who may have read this on another forum... Hoping to get any other opinions (yes or no) before I spend my day in the car when I should be doing prep work for shoots I have all next week. ;-)

Thank you for your time.

Nicholas de Kock
August 23rd, 2013, 07:54 AM
Look at the footage on a PC/MAC/Monitor/TV, the camera LCD is not an accurate representation of the footage. Let us know if you still see these lines when you do.

Alex Leith
August 29th, 2013, 10:48 AM
Thanks for the reply.

The lines definitely aren't on the footage, but it makes it hard to focus using the screen when there is a bunch of fixed pattern noise all over it.

Does anyone else see this when their LCDs are set to "bright"?

Bernard Lau
February 27th, 2014, 04:49 AM
In my C100 also.
Guessing its just how the lcd is made?
Only found out at my last shoot a few weeks ago at a dark venue.... it is a bit dissapointing.

Pavel Sedlak
February 27th, 2014, 06:04 AM
Solid grafic menu subjects (with unnatural edges and repeatting parts) are not a good sample for the quality test of LCD screen. Try shot some test patterns with camera and look for problems.

Ben Giles
March 1st, 2014, 02:21 AM
I'd say it's worth getting checked by Canon - less than an hour away from you in Elstree.

The LCD can occasionally flicker mid-shot, which can be disconcerting, but what you're describing sounds unusual to me.

I would question why you're setting the LCD to "bright" though.
