View Full Version : Decomposed Rode Videomic cable. Anyone done this repair?

Les Wilson
August 4th, 2013, 08:19 AM
I gave this Videomic to a guy in Zambia who teaches video production to nationals. In 20 months in that environment, the cable jacket has pretty much decomposed. It still works, for now.

Has anyone opened a Videomic and attempted to replace the cable?

Allan Black
August 5th, 2013, 04:02 PM
The real problem could be when the cable is replaced, in the same environment it could decompose again.

And what is happening to the internals of the mic. I'd try and find out everything about its use, storage and has petroleum been spilt on the cable etc.

A local sound/guitar shop repairs should be able to help.


Les Wilson
August 6th, 2013, 02:46 AM
Thanks Allan. No question it's a rough environment. Not throwing stones at Rode. The guy is an electrician and capable of the repair. I found this Take-Apart article showing it's possible with soldering.

Rode (Røde) VideoMic - Take Apart - (