Paul Abbaszadeh
August 4th, 2013, 12:32 AM
Not scientific at all, I was just playing with the camera and thought I'd do a quick comparison...
Sony NEX-EA50 low light test on Vimeo
Sony NEX-EA50 low light test on Vimeo
View Full Version : Quick and dirty low light test Paul Abbaszadeh August 4th, 2013, 12:32 AM Not scientific at all, I was just playing with the camera and thought I'd do a quick comparison... Sony NEX-EA50 low light test on Vimeo Chris Harding August 4th, 2013, 06:56 AM Nice Paul I also lock both cameras at 3200 ISO as after that the noise is just not acceptable. A comparison between that 35mm and the stock lens would have been nice too so you could show the difference between an F4.0 and an F1.4 in very low light. I personally never go lower than F2.8 on my standalone zooms otherwise DOF becomes a major issue ... My Nikon DSLR's are equipped with a 17-50 and an 11-16 both F2.8 constant and they are quite useful lenses when used on the EA-50 Was that an eMount lens??? Chris Paul Abbaszadeh August 5th, 2013, 04:18 PM Yes, it was an E-Mount version of the Rokinon 35mm Cine lens...I'll try to do a comparison this weekend if I have time. Overall, I'd be comfortable shooting with this camera up to 3200 ISO if needed (I would never go that high on the 5Dmk2) Chris Harding August 5th, 2013, 11:24 PM Hey Paul Thanks ... I was wondering if you were maybe using a preset on white balance as the dark areas of the image were sorta brown rather than black ..even at 3200 I find the blacks seem to stay nice and crushed unless of course you were using a custom picture profile. That sounds like a nice lens but I really struggle using primes so I resort to slightly slower constant zooms like F2.8 and still get nice images with the flexibility of being able to change focal length too!! Chris Paul Abbaszadeh August 6th, 2013, 03:42 PM I used the "Glencolor2" picture profile for the Sony FS100 found here: G-LOG Picture Profiles for the FS100 – version 1.0 | Frank Glencairn ( ...but I tweaked color a bit since it was designed for the FS100 and not the far as WB I think I had it set to auto for this, I usually dial it in Kelvin but guess I was lazy that night lol Also, I should note I didn't record this as native AVCHD in camera to SD card, I recorded it externally from HDMI to an Atomos Ninja at ProRes 422 the reduced compression of ProRes vs AVCHD and added color space of 4:2:2 may also have affected the outcome of the image |