View Full Version : BMCC crop factor

Alex Anderson
August 2nd, 2013, 12:15 PM
Is there a crop factor for lenses on the BMCC and what is it? New game now with the BMCC selling for $2000. :-) I need to understand how to choose EF and MFT lenses for this BMCC.


Alex Anderson
August 2nd, 2013, 01:03 PM
Thru Google, I just found a site saying the BMCC has a crop factor of 2.4. Yikes. The GH3 with a 2 crop factor had me worried. Sigh. Always something wrong with every camera. lol


Noa Put
August 2nd, 2013, 01:07 PM
It also depends for what you will be using the bmc, it's not suited for any kind of work, I wouldn't even think on using it at a wedding (as a solo shooter)

Alex Anderson
August 2nd, 2013, 01:37 PM
I don't do weddings. I did one wedding as a favor when I was in my 20's. I think there is more work in doing divorces these days. LOL :-) I do high end stuff. TV network shows, movies, ads, docs. Now, mostly docs. Small, light weight, low light is what I seek. The low selling price today got my interest. I can appreciate RAW, 12 bit, 13 stops, 422, though.


Noa Put
August 2nd, 2013, 01:46 PM
I do high end stuff
Well, me too :) I only wanted to say that the bmc is no run and gun camera, if you have time to set it up, then great and it looks your type of videowork will allow that. Workflow, if you shoot raw looks very cumbersome to me, especially if you have a short delivery schedule, you need lots of harddrive space for sure. The low price of the camera does look tempting but for my paid jobs I couldn't use it, for use in my personal projects I would say yes but I think I would just a s well use a gh3 which would be easier to handle.

Alex Anderson
August 2nd, 2013, 01:59 PM

I hear ya. I also want to make some very nice movies. I have written a few that are sitting on the shelf waiting for big daddy bucks or an angel, to arrive so I can do what I truly love. I had the money from my successful video production company during the late 80's and 90's, but thanks to two ex wives (gold diggers) I can't afford anything these days. :-) Hmm, sounds like another good movie to write and shoot.

I have always had the taste to buy and get the best. I still have that in me, but the bank is now empty. :-)
