View Full Version : Metabones Speedbooster short circuit damage?

Kajito Nagib
July 26th, 2013, 11:53 PM
About a month ago I purchased a Speedbooster adapter for my Sony FS700, it worked fine until today. The camera iris has stopped working with two of my lenses the Canon 24m and the 100m but works fine with the Zeiss ZF 50m. I wasn't sure if the camera or the adapter was damaged so I swap out the speedbooster for the smart adapter and everything worked fine. With the speedbooster when I turn open or close the iris wheel on my FS700 the image doesn’t get brighter or darker it remains the same. BTW the camera iris is on manual not auto. Everything worked fine until I placed a Zeiss 50mm F1.4 with a brand new Cinevate Canon EOS to Nikon Adapter Ring. After I remove the Zeiss lens I put on a Canon 100mm and noticed the image was darker and the iris wouldn't open or close although I can see the the F stops moving up or down its just the image does not get brighter or darker. Any idea what’s going on? I checked the Metabones website and it says “some improperly made M42 screw mount adapters can may short circuit The electronics contacts of the speed booster and cause damage to the speed booster and/or camera.” Also the iris wheel on the FS700 feels a lot smoother with less tension I'm wondering if I damaged the camera as well although it works with fine with my Zeiss ZF. The firmware of my speedbooster is version 23.

Raul Rooma
July 30th, 2013, 07:12 AM
Hi! I have similar problems with original metabones adapter. I'n my understanding it ruined my tamron 17-50 iris already twice.( lens was repaired) Also it wont work anymore with Sigma 50 mm lens and Tokina 11-16.
But strangely adapter works with Canon 24-105 and 70-200. Btw it all happaned after factory servicing of this adapter.But for now its again in factory service and anyway i'm afraid to use it with expencive lenses. Also i provided to metabones my ruined lens to check out what may be the problem. I can let You know how it goes.


Kajito Nagib
July 31st, 2013, 11:03 AM
Paul please do. BTW did they give you a RMA# before sending in the adapter?

Raul Rooma
August 13th, 2013, 02:14 PM
Hi ! Sorry for long far as i know metabones recived my stuff and working with it. I sended in with my own risk and cost. They promised to change adapter inside parts, but they also said that adapter is in working order. Also they they promised to repair my broken lens wich one i sended to them examine.Hopefully everything gonna be alright, but still i'm confused about what happened to adapter and lens.
If i'm reciving stuff back i'll let You know!


Kajito Nagib
August 14th, 2013, 04:17 PM
ok thanks.