View Full Version : New Vegas version - build 12.0.670

Ian Stark
July 24th, 2013, 04:30 AM
◾Added smart rendering support for Panasonic P2 files.
◾The Panasonic P2 format now preserves 10-bit color when rendering.
◾Added support for rendering 29.97p, 25p, 59.94i, and 50i AVC-Intra 100 Panasonic P2 video.
◾Added an Optimize GPU display performance check box to the Video Preview tab in the Preferences dialog when Windows Graphics Card is selected in the Device drop-down list. We recommend leaving this check box selected. You can clear the check box if you experience system, external monitor, or video preview performance problems.
◾Improved the Color Match plug-in to prevent an issue that could cause .veg file sizes to grow significantly for each instance of the Color Match plug-in.
◾ Improved AMD GPU performance when using Catalyst 13.x (format of driver version number changed).
◾ Improved Intel GPU performance when using driver or newer.
◾Improved playback performance for AVC-Intra 100 Panasonic P2 video.
◾New right-click menu in the Titles & Text plug-in allows quick access to Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, and Select All commands for editing text.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when attempting to explore a deleted folder in the Vegas Pro Explorer.
◾Fixed a bug that could Vegas to crash when using the Device Explorer to view XAVC volumes that contained invalid clips.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause Vegas to freeze when zooming the timeline when playing some projects with XAVC media.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause a crash on some systems with NVIDIA graphics when resizing the Video Preview window during playback.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when rendering some very large projects to QuickTime format.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when double-clicking the Computer icon in the Vegas Explorer window.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause some large, very complex projects to crash when working with very large MP4 videos on 64-bit systems (or when using the Upload to YouTube command).
◾Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when pressing Esc to exit expanded edit mode after the edit track had been removed from the timeline.
◾Prerendered video files are no longer invalidated by Project Properties changes unless settings on the Video tab are edited.
◾Fixed a bug that caused field order in interlaced P2 files to be read incorrectly.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause timecode to be written incorrectly when rendering Panasonic P2 files in 50p or 60p format.
◾Fixed a bug that could prevent files from being removed after canceling a P2 render.
◾Fixed a bug when rendering MainConcept MPEG-2 files that caused YUV color values from the source file to be changed in the rendered file.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause the Preferences > General > Import MXF as multichannel setting to be ignored when importing XAVC video.
◾Fixed a bug that prevented Vegas Pro from importing SStP MXF clips recorded by F5/F55 cameras.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause audio dropouts when playing projects containing XAVC video.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause video-proxy creation to fail for XAVC and P2 formats when switching away from Vegas Pro when the Close media files when not the active application General preference was selected.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause generated media to use incorrect attributes after opening and closing projects with similar generated-media assets.
◾Fixed a bug that caused the monitor to remain black after turning off Video Preview on External Monitor on systems with a Radeon GPU and Catalyst driver 12.10 or later.
◾Fixed a bug that prevented thumbnail images in the Project Media window from displaying media rotation.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause thumbnail images in the Project Media window to display at the incorrect size.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause some MP4 video files to be read as audio-only files.
◾Fixed a bug that could prevent Vegas from reading some rendered P2, MXF, and XAVC files.
◾Fixed a bug that caused rendered MXF files to incorrectly report that they had been created using Vegas Pro 10.0.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause playback issues with some standard-definition XDCAM MXF files.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause a USB-connected P2 camera to be displayed multiple times in the Device Explorer.
◾Fixed a bug that could prevent a USB-connected P2 camera from being displayed in the Device Explorer.
◾Fixed a bug that prevented OFX track effects from being saved and applied properly with default track properties.
◾Implemented a workaround for a Final Cut Pro X limitation when handling file names containing spaces. Media file naming has been revised when using File > Export > Final Cut Pro X and clicking Yes when prompted to export the media pool.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause some projects to fail when exporting to Final Cut Pro X format if media field order was unknown.
◾Fixed a bug that caused punch-in events to be displayed incorrectly in expanded edit mode.
◾Fixed a bug that could cause MOV files recorded by iOS devices to be displayed with the incorrect rotation or aspect ratio.

Jeff Harper
July 24th, 2013, 07:10 AM
Fixed MPEG 2 renders, finally.