Scott W. Thomas
July 17th, 2013, 11:25 PM
Has any other C100 owners been seeing horizontal lines running through there LCD screen? It is especially apparent when looking at solid blocks of colour like a white wall. Here is an example of the lines which I filmed with another camera, you'll notice the lines do not move, I'm wondering if it is some interference from the text overlay on the screen? I'm wondering if I have a dud and should send back to canon. The lines look fainter in the video, it's more noticeable to the eye.
banding on canon c100 on Vimeo
Brisbanes favorite wedding videography studio. GoldCoast & Sunshine Coast. (
Nate Haustein
July 18th, 2013, 12:08 AM
Flicker reduction setting?
Scott W. Thomas
July 18th, 2013, 08:54 AM
Flicker reduction is off. But even when on it still does it. The lines are very faint in the video but in reality are prominent enough to be annoying. Have you notices any lines? I'm debating whether or not to send it back to canon to look at.
Brisbanes favorite wedding videography studio. GoldCoast & Sunshine Coast. (
Alex Leith
August 22nd, 2013, 01:07 AM
Hi Scott, I wondered what happened with your screen in the end? I'm in a similar situation and just trying to work out whether it's "normal" or not to see a "pattern" over the c100's LCD especially when it's on the bright setting.
Matt Davis
August 22nd, 2013, 04:43 AM
Scott, Alex - this is just conjecture, pontification upon virtual navel fluff... but...
could this be simply be a bit of rough 6 or 8 bit dithering on behalf of the LCD panel? If it's NOT in the image but it IS on the LCD and it doesn't move exactly in corellation, one could deduce that, especially when it shows on very plain - actually very SUBTLY shaded - areas, we're getting a quantisation effect.
Shrug - possibly.
I've recently given up on judging anything accurately on the LCD panel and reverted to a separate monitor when I can. Maybe that's another reason why the Ninja 2 is so popular. Sigh.
Alex Leith
August 22nd, 2013, 05:13 AM
It's a good suggestion Matt, but I don't think it's dithering as it's visible in the menu too. I've managed to capture a couple of images that show it. It's far more obvious on the screen in person than in these images.